My guild has decided to call it quits sadly, and I am now looking for a place to finish the current tier and progress in the coming tiers. I am looking for a long term guild. I am currently 3/10M with many close pulls on Soulrender. I know that I am capable of progressing and clearing current mythic content as I have in the past. I can only raid Tuesday-Thursday.
I will likely switch to Arms in the coming patch when it is not so punishing to swap covenants. I have mained Fury my entire time playing a Warrior and am most comfortable on that spec.
Please feel free to leave information below and I will reach out to anyone who seems like a good fit. Thank you in advance for your time.
Hey, Send me a message and we can chat! Might have room for yah, Long standing stable guild. 3/10M, Rem to 10%. Tuesday/Thursday 8-11 EST.
Have you ever considered - 1 Night - Mythic Raiding!
OUR GUILD: Envelop OUR TEAM: Free Repairs WE ARE: Horde WE’RE ON: US - Illidan
from 7 to 11pm CT
PROGRESSION:(At the time of this post)
5/10 M (Painsmith @ 36% ~99 pulls)
RECRUITING: (in order of highest to lowest desire)
Shadow Priest
Elemental Shaman
Windwalker Monk
We are open to ALL other classes/specs given the right performance.
The Free Repairs team in Envelop was formed at the start of Shadowlands with only one goal – clearing as much content as possible, all in one night. Because of our one night schedule, we appeal to many diverse individuals. Whether it’s your job or your spouse that won’t allow a multi-night raiding schedule anymore, we’ve got you covered.
All players who apply should understand, just as many other mythic teams - we have a roster of more than 20 raiders. This implies that you may not be brought to each and every pull on progression. We will always bring the best available composition/players so we can have the highest chance of success.
Hi (: recruiting for Bloodknight Redemption [Illidan] our weekday team raids t/th 7:30-10:30 server, currently 3/10m
Contact for more info [Bnet: HoppingKoala#1644 Disc: HoppingKoala#0745]