3/10 M, 10/10 H, 10/10 N LF 2 days a week, evening around 7pm server time . Looking for a Mythic raiding guild. Weekday raiding preferred.
Hey buddy,
We raid Friday/Saturday 9pm-12 CST. We have a non-mandatory raid 8-11 CST. And we do a lot of M+ outside of raid. If our times work for you, I would love a chat!
Currently 9/10H
Discord - CasualDev#5323
Btag - Dev#1185
Hey Lkat,
[A] Too Stupid To Quit (US-Sargeras) is looking for some strong DPS for 9.1 push into mythic. We’re currently 10/10H 1/10M, aiming for at least 8/10M this tier, but never opposed to going further. We raid Tues/Wed 8-11 EST, and we do a fair amount of mythic plus outside of raid as well.
If you’re interested, I’d love to chat with you further. You can reach me on discord (Cy#4103) or bnet (Yawn#11282)
Hey Lkatmahbeard,
We are a Sat/Sun raiding guild starting at 7pm server time. We are looking for some more ranged dps for mythic raiding. We are currently 3/10M and 10/10H. If you are interested, our guild recruitment post is below.
-T E R R I B L E- is LFM
SoD 3/10M 10/10H
Raid time: 10 PM - 1 AM CST
Please contact the following if interested at:
• Aureo#11138 (Bnet) | Aureo#2521 (Discord)
• Mindrelody#1354 (Bnet) | Mindrelody#2833 (Discord)
I added you on Bnet, do you have to fill out an application? I’m not a huge fan of applications, makes WoW feel like work xD. I’ve made a lot of progress since I originally posted this. I’m 3/10 M and unfortunately missed the day we downed Nerzhul do to a chaotic week where everything went wrong but I know the fight in and out. I am a fast learner for raid mechanics.
UR raids Friday and Saturday nights, 8:30 to 11:30 pm central. If you’d like to talk about what we’re about, and see if we’re a fit for you then you can DM me @ discord Kourt#1546. Good luck to you!
What is the guild’s progress? I am looking for a mythic raiding one.
We’re 2/10 currently, progressing forward.