2400 rating in Mythic + I have a question

Did I beat the game yet?

It just keeps going and repeating…



You must be new to WoW.

In WoW rating means a score you repeat content to improve on. Similar to PVP which had a rating before Mythic Plus.

A lot of other games also use rating.

Welcome to gaming!

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Me-> 0 rating never touched a mythic anything…

Yes you did.
You can now unsubscribe and wait until something new and interesting happens in the game.

Or keep doing what you are doing if you enjoy doinʻ it.

You push as far as you want. Some go to KSH and stop. Others go till portals. Some push for .1%. Others keep going to collect mog sets.

If you enjoyed the gameplay while getting to 2400, might as well keep going. If not, then don’t. Though might as well finish out 2500 imo.


It will never end!!!

Evil laughter :smiling_imp:


Is it still fun? If yes, keep going, if not then stop and find something fun to do in wow or find fun in another game.


You can’t beat the game. You need to get those numbers up.

I get this take but I’ve been playing this game since before it was released and I feel like this mentality is not supportive. If everyone just leaves instead of speaking on what is bothersome about the game how is it supposed to get better?

This is a fair take and fair question. How would you want the game to improve?

In WoW to maintain some level of sanity you beat the game when you hit a goal you set for yourself. If you just want to raid normal and complete the raid, or get to a certain rank in pvp, or acquire lots of xmog and make some gold it’s all up to you.


It feels like 2400 this season will be like 1000 last season. So keep going.

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What is “beating the game” when it comes to WoW? WoW is heavily goal oriented. It’s meant to reflect a vibrant in game world, not a single player CoD campaign. For some, Mythic Plus is just a small fragment of the entire game. They beat that portion when they get KSM and the mount. Others? They beat it when they get KSH. Others? They beat it when they get all their portals. Others? They get it when they get the .1% title. Others? They get it when they’re the top 10 in the world.

Beating the game is such a broad question. So many have different goals they’d consider the peak of achievement in this game. Acquiring all the achievements. Getting gladiator mount and title. Getting top .1% of mythic plus. Being in the mythic raiding Hall of Fame. Collecting every pet in the game. Collecting all transmogs across all classes. Collecting all the mounts in the game. So in the end, I’ve chalked it up to the game is beaten when you feel you’ve accomplished everything you desire.

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I don’t know if it matters at this point since everyone is so conditioned. All I know is the past three nights I’ve attempted to log in and do some dungeons but just ultimately went meh… and logged out. The repetition is just too much and there’s not really another option. There’s SO much gameworld out there with so many colors and different models and biomes… no reason to go there. There’s nothing to do plus it’s empty because… there’s no reason to go there lol.

I disagree with this. It’s not that we’re conditioned, we enjoy it.

I think taking breaks are good for you and the game. I would hold on to wow even though I wasn’t enjoying myself. I regret that I did that but I’ve learned from it.

Fair, but anything that could compel you to go out into the world, another game just does better (for the most part). Wow is good at what it does but can get tiresome. Take breaks. Play other games and when you come back you’ll enjoy wow again. If not then unsub and continue playing other games.


No KSH yet, haven’t touched raiding. Nope, not even close friend.

Whenever people say (insert IO rating) is nothing this season, just remember they play in premades and don’t pug. In fact, anytime anyone says anything is too easy in this game, take it with a massive grain of salt and remember that they play with a premade of try hards.

If you don’t have a guild and 4 other M+ buddies, everything in this game is automatically 20x more difficult.

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Every 20 I’ve currently got has been pugged. 1 of them I had 1 of my 2 healer friends. I got nearly all my initial scores up to 16-18 in pugs first and foremost to learn/experiment in pugger keys before my own group of mostly mish mash folks (sometimes a pugger) does it on Sundays.

This hasn’t been different for me in past seasons too. I wouldn’t even say things are “better” with my premade since I’ve objectively done more/pushed farther (to the point I care about anyway) in pugs…but I’d pick them over pugging any day. I have fun with them and if we fail then we fail. Plus having folks in discord allows for on the spot callouts like if someone misfired an interrupt and it needs covered somehow or calling out if someone intends to do a thing the group needs to be cognizant about.

Score is only as important as you want it to be. You can always push your own key and get to the breakpoints (12-13, 16, 20) and you’ll get super solid applicants anyway.

You play BDK though. That is faceroll territory and I’m not just talking about mechanically, I mean invites, the role, everything. It’s much much easier, I would know because my alt is BDK. On my BDK it feels like I’m cakewalking through M+.

When you pug as heals, you can’t control the quality of your tank, it’s a different world.

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