2400 rating in Mythic + I have a question

I’m still near KSM territory on a non tank alt that is largely the same. Most current runs are pugs. I’ll probably even get it this week since I didn’t get to play him as much last tyrannical week and have low or no scores in several dungeons.

You’re making it out like getting a decent to high IO is impossible for pugs. It certainly is not. I would even go as far as to argue it isn’t even that drastically hard/difficult in pugs vs a premade because once you reach a point and select people with similar IOs, you’re playing with people of at least decent caliber who know the big and medium important things (and probably even the smaller ones too).

Sure I’m not about to go pug +25’s anytime soon…if ever because I, quite literally, do not care to push myself. I’m happy enough coasting.

im gonna try for all +20s then quit maybe. i cant raid cuz my computer cant handle it Lol T.T

this game takes effort and some learning thats for sure but clearing the content seems possible by the average person. challenging but anyone can memorize some boss fights and a spell rotation

20x more difficult isn’t the same as impossible, you created that strawman just now.

“Most” of your keys being pugs doesn’t cut it for me, I pug everything. You also could be lying.
Try pugging 100% of everything you do as a healer then get back to me on the difficulty check.

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I imagine pugging as even the least meta healer is probably smoother than pugging anything below c-tier as dps.

The only way around not getting invites is to make the groups or make friends though.

I think you are the one who decides if you won.

I’m a low skilled player who likes monk. Because keys are easy I’ve gotten to +10 easily enough but I will be happy getting to +15 all dungeon this season. If I can get that and the sets I’m after then I will ‘win’ my objectives for this season.


I push for ksm. After that i just lazily keep doin keys for the vault. Besides that i just mog and mount run (will be so much easier soon when any class can unlock any trasmog)

So “winning the game” is all up to you so do what you want.

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I also wanna say if ur tanking/healing pugs you have the added soft benefit of having no queue times is huge

I bricked 2 +12 back to back (i kept messing up on a mechanic) with no queue times over the course of 30 min

Then just queued a +16 after i figured it out.

If i was dps that would take forever

This why i also think dating for some men is difficult if you use dating apps. U want to be able to attract women but if u dont get matches how do you even gain experience lol :sob:

2400 is such a weird stopping point.
Get to 2500 so you can at least get the glowy enchanted bits to shine on this season’s set armors.