It can, yes. Any penalty can earn a suspension, but we usually provide an education for the first offense in most cases. The “harsh” I think would be a suspension for the first minor offense, hence the education.
No, because as you should know, a report does not equate to a penalty. Reports are reviewed by Game Masters and the penalty applied in accordance to our policies. If no violation is found, not penalty is applied and the reported player never knows that we were looking.
Yes, because that makes sense.
Again, there is a huge difference between someone reporting a name and a Game Master applying a penalty. For instance, the name generally should violate policy for that to happen.
As for nonsensical, this is rhetorical, but don’t you think the same 2 “letters”, repeated multiple times, is a bit much? This is a “name” which consists of 2 "letters, both non-standard characters like the German ß, which I believe was explained to produce the sound “ss”, and æ. Together they don’t really form a name and 6 pairs all together isn’t really much of anything.
For the most part, on a non-RP realm, we tend not to bother with “nonsensical” names, but my thoughts are it was changed because this fell on the other end of the spectrum.
Not to sound flippant, Pu, but you seem to be unfamiliar with a great many things that have to do with our policies. The type of violation does determine the severity of the penalty, but so does the frequency. A first is almost always a warning, the second is almost always a time penalty of some kind and the minimum for those are 24 hours.
That, or some form of it, if I had to guess. The turn around on it was fairly fast, which usually indicates that the name, part or in full, has been reviewed before.
I was going to reopen the thread but I feel it is only going to result in the traditional back and forth and I think we’ve just about exhausted our limits in that for now.