I am currently 9/10 heroic SoD and 1/10 mythic SoD on this character. I have further raiding experience that goes back all the way to vanilla.
Hey Enygmah! Give me a shout. We are on Sargeras and looking to fill in some open slots from folks we lost to school. Info below! Shadow.
Nox Oriens (9/10H 1/10M SOD) is looking to add 2-3 DPS and a main tank or off-tank for our Mythic roster. We also run a Casual Raid Team that is recruiting for all positions and is currently pushing through Heroics.
Raid times are Tuesday, Thursday, Monday from 9pm to midnight server (central) for both teams.
Nox Oriens is an Alliance guild based on the Sargeras server and we are a progressive, friendly raid guild. We have been raiding as a guild since 2007 and we are currently running two raid groups:
Tempest (Mythic Roster)
Ascendance (Casual Progression)
We maintain a friendly raid and guild atmosphere with ages in-guild ranging from 18 to grandparents and many of our raiders are parents. We have a liberal alt and friend invite policy for our raiders as well. We do some PVP and run M+ often.
We are always looking for great raiders but more importantly we are looking for excellent guild mates. If you believe you may be a fit for our culture and one of our raid teams, please contact:
BNET: Shadowjj#1695
Discord: Shadow#8257
We look forward to hearing from you.
Hey Enygmah. My guild is looking for good players that have a CE mindset. We raid f/sat 9-12am EST 3/10M. Very active and organized. If you are interested hit me up for a chat Filhtyphil#6087
Hi Enygmah,
on Alliance Dalaran could use another mage! We’ve been around for over a decade with consistent leadership and a fun but progression minded team. We are 3/10 Mythic and raid Mon/Wed 9-12 EST.
If you are interested please add me on Battle.net Halbrium#1395
Hi there Enygmah! My name is Quick and I am the Healing Officer for Team Hades of Illicit, a Alliance US-Proudmoore raiding guild. I also do the majority of the recruiting for our team.
We Raid: Tue/Thu from 6:00pm - 9:00pm PT
TEAM HADES of < Illicit > a HIGHLY active Alliance raiding guild is seeking casual mythic minded raiders to join us in Patch 9.1. Hades starts off in Heroic level content and then progresses into Mythic as far as they can. Hades achieved 8 /12M in Nyalotha and 3/10M in CN. Current Progression: 9/10 Heroic SoD and 1/10 Mythic - we are purposefully skipping Heroic Slyv at this time.
Hades Roster Needs:
Priority | Role | Spec | Special Note |
High | Melee | DK, Monk, or DH | Off-Spec Tank |
Very High | Ranged DPS | Any | Highly would like a Warlock |
We are def interested, and would love to chat with you about the prospect of joining us. We do run a roster larger than 20 to help make sure that we are always stocked, and looking to add good players that fit our culture and community.
Raid Leader: Addina - YassyFresh#1204
Heal Lead: Quick - QuickESQ#1651
Entitled Elite is a semi hardcore raiding guild located on US Illidan, Horde side. We are recruiting for our core Mythic raiding team.
Raid Days
Tuesday 8PM - 11PM EST
Wednesday 8PM - 11PM EST
Thursday 8PM - 11PM EST
Our priorities for recruitment is the following:
- Healers - Resto Shaman and Disc Priest
- Ranged DPS - Balance Druid - High Priority*
- Melee DPS - Enhancement Shaman and Unholy Death Knight
All exceptional players will be considered regardless of class and spec.
Current progression
Sanctum of Domination
Normal - 10/10
Heroic - 10/10
Mythic - 3/10
Our goal is progress as far into the tier as possible with a cutting edge mentality while still maintaining a fun environment for everybody.
Outside of raiding, we have a lot of active members who like to push high keys. We have many members with an IO score of over 2000 and many more climbing.
Apply at h ttps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PS3NF5P (Delete space in between h & t)
or feel free to reach out to one of our officer’s which are posted below.
Guild Master
Zymena - Battle.net - Defusionz#1271 - Discord - The Goon Squad#7157
Hey Engy. My guild is looking for a mage. We’re 9/10 H and a pretty chill guild. We focus on getting aotc but there’s a chance for some casual mythic progression once heroic is on farm. We raid M/W 9 pm EST to 11:30 pm EST. If you’re interested or have any questions, hit up my GM on discord @sny0322. Cheers!
We might be a good fit for you, feel to reach out below!
(H) Invincible - Thrall - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)
Hello Enygmah,
Stardust is looking for a mage for it’s raiding team and would love to talk to you.
So are we! You’ll be able to jump right into our raids. We are a mythic raiding team on a reduced 5 hr/week schedule. While we’ve had CE-like success in the past, we can’t promise it. Historically, we tend to progress further into mythic content with each successive patch in an expansion.
So do some of us! Shadizar, our GM and raid leader, started playing WoW when the game first released, and became an officer of a 40-man raid team a year later. He has lead guilds through much of his time in WoW and has served in leadership roles outside of WoW. In 2011, he wanted to create a place for players seeking to balance real-life responsibilities with their passion for the game and created Stardust. He’s successfully combined his tactical skills, gaming knowledge and compassion to form a positive and friendly high-level raiding environment.
I’m not sure what you’re looking for schedule-wise, but we raid Wednesdays and Sundays 8:30p-11:00p EST on the Alliance side of US-Stromrage.
If you have any questions at all, please reach out to Shadizar (Battle Tag: Shadizar#1464 ; Discord: Shadizar#4380). Good luck in your guild search and hope to hear from you soon.
Entitled Elite is a semi hardcore raiding guild located on US Illidan, Horde side. We are recruiting for our core Mythic raiding team.
Raid Days
Tuesday 8PM - 11PM EST
Wednesday 8PM - 11PM EST
Thursday 8PM - 11PM EST
Our priorities for recruitment is the following:
- Healers - Resto Shaman and Disc Priest
- Ranged DPS - Balance Druid - High Priority*
- Melee DPS - Enhancement Shaman and Unholy Death Knight
All exceptional players will be considered regardless of class and spec.
Current progression
Sanctum of Domination
Normal - 10/10
Heroic - 10/10
Mythic - 3/10
Our goal is progress as far into the tier as possible with a cutting edge mentality while still maintaining a fun environment for everybody.
Outside of raiding, we have a lot of active members who like to push high keys. We have many members with an IO score of over 2000 and many more climbing.
Apply at h ttps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PS3NF5P (Delete space in between h & t)
or feel free to reach out to one of our officer’s which are posted below.
Guild Master
Zymena - Battle.net - Defusionz#1271 - Discord - The Goon Squad#7157
on Spirestone-US
We are in need of a mage for a core spot on our roster.
Raid Times:
Friday/Saturday 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Pacific
Invites are at 5:45 PM!
Currently Recruiting:
Elemental Shamans
Discipline Priests![]()
Shadow Priests![]()
We always consider skilled players to add to our core so apply!!
Why Evolution?
is an endgame progression guild that raids casual hours.
Our guild has been around for more than a decade! We have a great community of friendly and competitive players from all around the world. We have an active community of Mythic+ runners and also engage in War Mode PvP/Arena/BGs on a regular basis.
When it comes to raiding we have only one objective in mind: PROGRESS!
Our raiders have significant experience in gaming competitively and raiding previous and current content. We are constantly looking for ways to improve and take constructive criticism.
We like to have a good time, but also know when to get things done.
recruits on the basis of character and raid performance.
If either of these is lacking, we don’t want you.
Be on time, prepared, and ready to pull at 5:45 PM.
We expect vocal communication when required.
There is no drama here.
We expect you to adapt to random situations, and have no issues with being aware of your surroundings. Fast learners that can exceed under pressure without sacrificing your life to raid 4 or 5 days a week should APPLY!
How to join:
Complete the form, then join our discord and post in Recruitment to let us know you’ve completed the application!
Late night guild]
Nocturnal Is a late HORDE night guild that has been raiding since Ulduar, is currently recruiting experienced and perspective raiders to help rebuild and fill out our roster.
Type: Semi-hardcore progression
SL Progression
1/10 M 9/10 H 10/10 N SoD (phase 3 Sylvanas)
4/10M 10/10 H CN
BFA Progression: 4/8M Uid
3/9M 9/9H 9/9N BoD
2/2N 2/2H CoS
8/8 H 4/8 M Eternal Palace
10/12 M Ny’alotha
Faction: Horde
Raid Times:Times:
10:30Pm-1:30Am (PST)
11:30Pm-2:30Am (MTN)
12:30Pm- 3:30Am (CNT)
1:30Am -4:30Am (EST)
Please contact coltongrundy#1258- DPS officer
Hamster#11648 - Recruitment Officer
LadyTaisho#1762 - Healing Officer
Egomaniacs is looking for people join our family who ready to raid Heroic and do M+ content. Our members have heroic and mythic experience and we’re looking for a few more to fill out our progression team! We provide feasts, cauldrons, enchants, gems, etc. We’d love to have you!
10/10 Normal Sanctum of Domination
8/10 heroic Sanctum of Domination
Raid Days/Times:
Tuesday 8pm EST - 11pm EST
Thursday 8pm EST - 11pm EST
You can contact me in game or on here. My battle.net is Killermusic#1245. My discord is Killertablelamp#8205
Hi Enygmah,
I don’t know if you’ve already found a new home, but if you’re still on the hunt, feel free to give us a look. My guild < Part Time Heroes > on Hyjal is a casual raiding guild. Our Mythic Raid Team is focused on getting Cutting Edge before the tier is finished. We are currently 2/10M and we could use a capable mage to help us reach our goal!
Our raid days/times are Th/M 8-11pm PST. Not sure if that aligns well with what you’re looking for, but if you can swing the times, we may be a good fit! If you’re interested, I’d love to chat!
My Btag and a link to our guild post are below. Hoping to hear from you soon! Thanks!
If you are still looking come holler at me.
Here is our info:
Best of luck!
Welcome to chilis is looking for additional core team members for our ranged DPS. We are a competitive guild look to approve and push faster and harder this tier. We achieve 7/10M for our first tier and looking to achieve CE this tier!
We are currently 4/10M!
Raid times - T/W 9:30-12 EST Sun 9:00P - 12:00A EST
We also supply guild repairs, feasts, and cauldrons.
Furthermore, I’d like to say our community that we have built is second to none!!
Please reach out to me if you have further questions or/and show interest for our guild.
are you still looking for a home?
Hey Enygmah
League of Shadow is recruiting DPS check us out!
Order of the Sliver Hand is a new guild on Stormrage looking for new members to join our guild and community. Our guild is founded on a “bring the player not the class” mentality and is a place where all experience levels are welcomed. All events will be organized and will offer a helpful learning and content progression experience. If you’re someone that lacks experience, however, is willing to learn and put the work in, this is the right place for you.
The Order of the Sliver Hand participates in:
Raid: Our goal is to achieve AOTC in each tier. We are currently recruiting all classes and roles of various experience levels for our progression. Our plan is to clear 10/10 Normal Sanctum of Domination and then progress into Heroic.
Schedule: Tuesday/Thursday: 8:30PM - 11:00PM EST/SERVER TIME
Mythic+: Our goal is to achieve Keystone Master for 90%+ of our core raiders in each season. Our plan is to run mythic + dungeons following raid nights and as able on off nights to ensure everyone gets their weekly 15 key for the week.
Schedule: Tuesday/Thursday: 11:00PM - 12:00AM EST/SERVER TIME, *As able on off nights (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday)
Rated Battlegrounds: Our goal is to achieve 1800 rating in each season. We are recruiting all classes and roles of various experience levels for our progression. Post RBGS we will as a guild do 2s, 3s, random battlegrounds for fun and additional experience.
Schedule: Sunday: 8:30PM - 10:00PM EST/SERVER TIME
If you’re interested in doing PVE and PVP content with us or would just like to join the guild feel free to contact Ratayu or Challenges. Contact information below:
Ratayu: BTag:Ratayu#1694, Discord:Ratayu#0795, In Game: Ratayu-Stormrage
Challenges: BTag:khalil#1948, Discord:back#1920, Challenges-Stormrage
Not ready to make the commitment to join the guild, join our community here: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/kMwbvo7Hd02?region=US&faction=Alliance