Pugged all the way to 2356 (248 ilvl) and finally reached rank 10 for resto druids on our server. Why? Because I spent my entire WoW life in raiding guilds, and they always manage to pull you into commitments to a game that detract from your real life, so I stopped trying to get into them (I’m in my bank guild, been there for years). Mythics don’t have to be like that, because you don’t need to allocate as much time to them. A well-run mythic shouldn’t take more than what? 35 minutes, depending on the mythic? You don’t have to spend hours a day on them when real progress can (and must) be made in under an hour. Much more my style.
Looking for a good guild to join to push keys higher than the 20s I’m doing now. I’m very good, but I also have decent healchicken damage output as well. My healing output is whatever the situation needs. I’ve become really good at predicting incoming damage and having a heal queued before it occurs. A lot of a mythic is learning your team (and who’s going to take the most damage, besides the tank), and pugging makes this even more challenging, but I do quite well regardless. I usually do a bit over 1K dps over the course of the entire dungeon, mostly as 4.5K DPS spikes during moments of low healing when I can blow up a mini or something, and sunfire/moonfire spam the rest of the time, with a few wraths and starfires thrown in, again, when I can go chicken and pump a bit.
Been playing since BC. Mained resto shaman from BC to shadowlands, now resto druid because druids are awesome.
Oh yes, I also tank as bear. Used to tank as DH, but I like bear more, so now I tank as bear. Haven’t done very high keys as bear though, but I might try at some point. My bear gear is quite good.
Last but not least, I love to teach people to play too, but lets make it clear to everyone when we’re teaching and when we’re pushing keys. I don’t like being forced to carry someone through high keys just to “be nice” (paying no attention to the suckers who will invite them to their groups having low actual experience but high IO), but I’d love to give people pointers on how to play the classes I’ve played, as well as run them through keys they can actually play an active role in and get them experience.
No issues with helping, but you gotta do it right.
If this sounds like something you want, I’d love to talk! I have a busy work schedule, but I’m usually around in the evenings.