Probably of no real consequence to anyone but myself, but I’m posting on my least /played character on Silvermoon.
I’ve been playing since WoW beta and have a few characters from Day 1 that I still actively play.
Over the past 14+ yrs, I’ve accumulated approx 23,500 hrs total /played time on this server alone (2 chars transferred during WoTLK to play with co-workers)
That’s nearly 393 days spent within Azeroth since day 1.
I have chars on several servers so I’m only featuring those on Silvermoon as it’s become my main server.
The breakdown is as follows:
Forsaken Mage - 82d 23h 54m
Forsaken Lock - 70d 23h 17m
Forsaken Hunter (race changed from Troll in Cata) - 68d 15h 20m
Forsaken SPriest - 28d 1h 16m
Troll Druid - 23d 3h 54m
Orc Shaman - 22d 3h 22m
Tauren Pally - 18d 17h 0m
Draenei Shaman - 18d 6h 9m
Worgen Hunter - 13d 18h 20m
V Elf Mage - 8d 12h 31m
Blood Elf Monk - 6d 19h 46m
V Elf Lock - 6d 19h 10m
Blood Elf Rogue - 6d 6h 8m
BE Death Knight - 5d 23h 20m
Maghar Warrior - 5d 17h 4m
NE Druid - 2d 6h 12m
Not trying to prove anything as I’m quite sure, I have no life but I am curious as to anyone else’s “total” time /played.
Am I the only loser with over 23K hours?
Let Me know
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24000 hours would be 1000 days, I think your math is off.
393 days would be 9430 hours.
You’re right & I dunno where I got that number - I need a nap - but I’m leaving it bc I’m lazy and can’t be bothered.
The per character breakdown is as above
More important question is
10 characters so fun WOW BLIZZARD GREAT DESIGN
Birthday Suits = Human Heritage
Nekkid Mog
Im sitting at 455 Days /played between all my toons, and that’s not counting the 7-8 90-100’s I have on my old realm that I deleted that probably have 5-10 days on their own.
As for it being wasted? Eh’ depends on how you view it I guess. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all the time I’ve played on the game despite some of the things I heavily disagree with Blizzard doing. And have no plans to ever stop playing the game so long as I have the choice. I even have the 10 year statue they sent out in 2014 sitting above my PC.
It is weird to think that I’ve been playing WoW for over half of my life.
I’m an old fart in my 40s so it hasn’t quite been 1/2 my life yet but it is the only consistent game I’ve played not counting original DOOM, Quake, etc.
Of course, I’ve taken extended breaks - longest being 1 1/2 yrs between Black Temple and ICC 25 but I always return.
I don’t consider it wasteful as I’ve enjoyed my time in Azeroth although, the underpinning philosophy @ Blizzard has noticeably changed in recent years and I can’t say that’s an improvement.
But here I am… still mostly entertained.
435 days played on my shaman
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Technically everything we do is wasted time, from the day we’re born til the day we die. All that matters is how much you enjoy that time wasted.
Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted.
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Time is never wasted if you’re wasted all the time!
The 10yr statue is sexy as hell
PSA if anybody is curious and wants to minimize manually finding out, get the altaholic addon. It will show the /played info for each toon and a total for all toons. Only catch is you have to login to all the toons you care about (or just…all of them; max 50 logins is annoying but doable) for the addon to get the info.
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Waiting on chinese tariffs aka chinese monitization to build more before release because “made in china”
On this girl alone i have 376 days played alone so yes I’m there with you.
I also have a 374 lock 372 rogue and a 345 druid but I don’t check their play time.
im over 1600 days played on my toons combined
I have roughly 7.7k hours played.
Wish we could figure out how many of those hours were spent AFK lol, I’d figure a good 1/3 of mine
ok, going to go according to my altoholics addon, should be accurate.
Shaman - 17d, 1hr
Main Mage - 132d, 18hr
Main Priest - 249d, 1hr
Main Hunter - 102d, 6hr
Paladin - 12d, 3hr
Original Priest - 155d, 9hr
Warlock - 96d, 23hr
2nd Mage - 60d, 12hr
Rogue - 25d, 2hr
Druid - 36d, 13hr
little rogue 1 - 23d, 16hr
little rogue 2 - 22d, 6hr
total for this server - 934d, 12h
original characters abandoned on sargeras = 24d, 0hr
alts on fizzcrank = 69d, 14hr
grand total = 1028days
i also have a currently inactive account … and people on another account, but i’m not switching to it right now. Looking at these totals I need some Ice Cream. lol