23,000 Hours Played / Wasted?

dang i wonder how much i’ve played

20k+ hours is enough to master anything, ANYTHING!

but you chose wow :sunglasses:

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Not in WoW, but in Everquest I had a top tier Raid Warrior with 1325 days played - He’s a fossil now but at one point I was averaging 6-8hrs of play time every day & managed to keep a full time job haha

I’m not unique - most of the 72 or so raiders every day had a similar story…work…get on EQ about 7pm raid till 1am 5x Week rinse & repeat for quite a few years

Yah, I wasn’t a significant raider in EQ but from what I did play, I enjoyed my Froglok Wizzy and Dark Elf SK
I left EQ for FFXI - no telling how much time spent between them, although FFXI would win by a significant margin, I’m sure.

I don’t know if you’d get points for being profound here like a masterful poet of the times, or just points for being dark and ominous. I say it because one day, probably around the time of your passing, things may become clear. It would be that your time spent here must have allowed something of value to happen. If wasted, then we all end up with memories that serve as distractions from better truths.

Nah , it was for entertainment. Well spent :+1:

I don’t know if you know it but… two year necro…

(2 and a bit.)

Man ithink i could have a Ph.D with that many time played

23,500 x $7.25 (Federal minimum wage) = $170,375

Minus taxes, that would be the minimum amount of money earned if worked instead of played.

I was curious. Seeing how I posted this in Dec 2018.

I am now at 579 days played on my shaman.

My play time is divided because I made a new account towards the end of legion, and even though I merged my previous account with my new one it does not include my play time from my old account. However I have been playing since BC so I am sure I have a lot of hours/days played

I just can’t get over the fact someone else from my server is using the forums. You’re about the 3rd one ever from my realm! Why is this exciting?!

Ugh nevermind it’s from 2 years ago this guy isn’t here anymore :unamused:

On my primary account (currently stuck behind a stolen authenticator) I have my main (also a Rogue) with more than 500 days /played. More than a hundred days on a Paladin alt and another 80 on a druid.

What have I been doing with my life!?

My main character has more than all your characters combined.

I don’t play alts very much, AFK a lot and its over the course of 12 years but still.

I do think its dangerous to worry about that metric though.

If there was a /played command for T.V/Netflix/Facebook/Youtube etc. I’m sure a lot of people wouldn’t faire a lot better.

Everyone has downtime at one point or another.

Only 393 days… you youngling. Post again when you break the multiple years mark.

I’m sitting at just under 1000 days of played on 1 of my 2 accounts. While the second doesn’t have nearly as much, my primary one still… sounds sad. 504 days on this character which I started in BC, my original Shaman and Warrior from launch are in 119 and 138 days respectively.