221 boomy LF guild


I am a 221 boomy looking for a mythic raiding guild. I have not cleared any mythic bosses on my Druid. I did clear the first 3 on my DK as a pug for a guild with them on farm and to be honest i didn’t do great as i wasn’t prepared for the fights at all even though they are easy.

What i am looking for:

  • A guild that doesn’t raid later than 11 PM EST
  • preferably alliance but will consider horde
  • i do not care about progression just looking for a guild that is progressing in mythic

Who i am:
I am an adult in my 20’s. I have a full time job in the insurance industry where I’ve been working for the past 6 years. I am a competitor and miss raiding mythic. I have tried to raid heroic with friends but unfortunately a realistic goal was not set and my friends ended up quitting as they couldn’t commit.

I last raided mythic in WOD and was playing a rogue in a US 62nd guild. I am no stranger to really pushing content. I have taken a break since then but i really would like to try to push CN/ be prepared for the next raid with an established guild.

What you will get from me:

  • commitment. I made my Druid about a month ago and i never stop researching on how to be better. I am not afraid to ask questions when needed. I constantly strive to be better. I am very competitive probably to a fault
  • i come to raids prepared. Need me to watch a video and take notes? NP. Need me to do mechanics? NP. Will always have consumables needed.

Bnet: TheChowMaster#11992

Discord: TheChowMaster#1011

Winterhoof - Horde

10/10 Heroic looking to get into Mythic ASAP

Raid Schedule
Tuesday 8:30pm est to 11:30pm est.
Wednesday 8:30pm est to 11:30pm est.
We are actively recruiting for core spots and not a bench. All spots are competitive and if you are under-preforming you may be asked to sit.

Healer - All will be considered
DPS - Mage, SPriest, and any strong DPS
Tank - 1 Immediate Opening Availiable
All specs and classes will be looked at and considered

GM - Norton
Raid/DPS Lead - Huntandprey
Heal Lead - Smallsu
Recruitment Officer - Norton
How to reach us.
Recruitment Officers
Bnet Norton#11254 Discord Norton#6319

Hey, i’ll keep this short because you’re about to be flooded with copy pastas.

Whats important? We raid TUES 8:30 PM - 11:00 PM EST & WED 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM EST. Thats a 4.5 hr raid week. And we’re 3/10 mythic. We are a hardcore guild when it comes to mechanics and a casual guild when it comes to hours.

We’re looking for a WW monk, Dps war and boomkin/mm hunter. Sooo, you fit the bill. We are 17/20 for a full group.

What can I say about our group? We’re a group of 20-30 year olds who talk a lot of trash but show up to play once that raid timer starts to tick down. We have multiple groups of real life friends who compose our coalition to try and down bosses.

I won’t waste more of your time beyond this, reach out to me on here if you’re interested or add me on bnet Crooked#11909 / [or my fellow officer] Noda#1596

or discord (fastest way) Crookedjay#4995

Server: Area 52
Faction: Horde
Guild: Cowabunga Dudes

2/10 Mythic
10/10 Heroic

Mythic: 7:00-11:00PM Weds/Thurs
Casual/Alt: 7:00-11:00PM Sunday

We are currently recruiting:
High Priority: Ranged DPS w/ healer offspec (Spriest, Boomkin, Shaman)

Shoot me a message!
In Game Character: Roledex-Area52
Btag: Roledex#1730
Discord: Roledex#5326

7/10M was a high-end raiding guild, which formed because of a guild merger between Death and Taxes and Aurora on June 13th, 2009. In the spirit of the Vigil of old, but with a vastly more relaxed approach, we are now reforming for Shadowlands. We are a core group of former hardcore players looking to raid on a casual schedule while still striving for cutting edge achievements. We look forward to bringing life to the guild again while maintaining the values that Vigil has always stood for. We are currently recruiting any DPS classes and will consider tanks if they are an exceptional player.

Raid Schedule: Tuesday & Wednesday 7-11 pm Central (Server) Time

For more information, please contact: JuicyJ#1974 or Sting#1585

Hey Chow!

Predictive Gaming [AoTc 6/10M CN] is a semi-hardcore mythic progression guild that is looking for new family members!

Although the guild is new, its members are not. Predictive Gaming’s founding members have been playing WoW together for over 10 years and have achieved Cutting Edge together in numerous past tiers. The goal of this close-knit community is to gather quality over quantity with its future raiders, and find members that fit in with the existing team.

We are a tight-nit, friendly community of players who enjoy all kinds of content, but we strive to maintain a competitive roster for our Mythic team. Our goal is to grow and experience content together, while raiding on a laid back schedule. Our ultimate goal is CE every tier and we are recruiting to make that a reality.

Current progression and raid times:
Tues & Fri: 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. EST (Rarely extend)

We are currently recruiting a Rogue, resto sham/ Disc priest, Lock, warrior and off tanks for mythic progression but any exceptional applicants will be considered!

We also have an alt friendly or Casual Team that does a Heroic clear on Saturdays at 9:00 p.m. EST. If raiding isn’t your thing, we have an RBG team and M+ groups running weekly!

If interested please fill out the application linked below or for more information, feel free to contact our:

Recruitment Officer:
Btag: Veni2399#1206
Discord: Venividivici#7990

Raid Lead:
Btag: Wishkins#1359

Guild Lead:
Btag: Swagner#7414

I know we probably aren’t what you’re looking for currently but we will grow. I’m determined to get rolling.

I got here a bit late and circumstances left me behind but last time I made we went Mythic. During prog we were in us top 100. I don’t plan on going THAT hard again but AOTC is 100% goal and Mythic prog as far as we can WITHOUT risking burn out/rage.

Tylown#1117 rogue DPS if you want

Guild - Stormrage & Community
Guild > Community

Sick of logging in and waiting 2-3 hours in group finder to do something relevant? Well I am!
I personally like logging into WoW with the goal of doing certain content and doing it. That’s why I’ve made this community.

Looking for chill players of any content to come together and do that content. An enjoyable place to play your class(&spec)
(Current active hours 5-9 CST M-F | Daily Weekends)

Mythic Plus

  • Preferably if your goal is to do 15+ spam!
  • Will always be willing to help others in down time and looking for the same

Heroic Raiding (9.1) Tues > Wed: 7 - 10 CST
Lives are a thing and raids are a large time commitment, as a Mythic raider in Legion I understand.

  • Looking to create a fun environment to push ourselves (FOR THE PARSE!) and achieve AOTC.
  • Once progression is done we can farm just Tues OR/AND attempt Mythic when it’s cross server Wed
  • Will be looking for a raid lead!


  • RBG would be great as it’s smaller casual content that is competitive
  • Arena pushing individuals who hate sitting in a LFG for 1 game just to quit. Form a bond and push!
  • Never hurts to help others learn in and outs! Some people are 1 tip away from that next rank!

Other cause who knows! Some weird and world event type stuff happens when a bunch of people get together to have fun.

Log on, play, progress, no wait. All are welcome. Willing to guide and gear when free.

Take note this is new so growth over time!

Highly interested. A Fresh mind is always good for a new recruit and I am extremely eager to hear from you if you at all see anything enticing in our recruitment post. Please take the time to read over and reach out if you have interest in Elusive!

10/10h - 4/10m
Raid: Weds/Thurs 7-9:30PM CST Mandatory for Mythic Raiders on the Mythic prog team.
Optional raid day: Tues 7-9:30PM CST (Mythic reclear/farm)
Off nights: Currently working on KSM in mythic+ for the guild. With recent valor changes, this is quite important.
We have several 2100+ arena players as well as a few gladiators.

We are looking for a few more talented players for our mythic progression team. Currently 1 night into Lady prog @ 29% Best pull. We are also very interested in Mythic+ players that just need a chill home to hangout in and meet people. Maybe you might step into Mythic raiding.

We have a solid core group of players that are fantastic! We strive for a positive guild environment and we will not tolerate anything less. We have a firm rule we stand by that the best 20 go during progression. This is not meant to be a negative thing, but we need players to understand this. Our main goal in this guild is to progress. You must have this same mindset and hopefully strive to be one of the best 20. With our relaxed raid schedule, it’s important that we are efficient with our time, show up promptly, and are ready for quick pulls. Researching fights, having 90% attendance, and performing your role exceptionally are requirements to be on the Mythic raid team. We have several players within the guild that are completely fine being on the bench as they cannot commit to raiding every single week and or raid day. We love having these types of players within the guild as this can be very helpful in absence of a raider. We highly welcome more of these players and we actively bring them in on mythic farm bosses and even progression bosses if needed.

Will consider any class and spec. We recruit the player not the class. Please have logs available upon request. We prefer a voice interview in discord for all that are interested.

If interested, Contact our recruiting officer Dom or myself. Thankyou.

Discord: TheRealRyan#1044
Bnet: Ryan#1397

Recruitment officer
Discord: Domincela#6066
Bnet: Domincela#1800

Hey Chowwmaster! I sent you a discord request, I’d love to talk to you today!

Hi Chowwmaster,

Blob (3/10M horde guild on Tichondrius) is recruiting a couple ranged dps to push for CE while maintaining our relaxed/fun environment. Our raid times are Tues/Wed 8-11 EST, and we also enjoy m+/pvp on off nights.

We would love to add a player of your quality to our team. A majority of our raid team are adults in their 20s, and we enjoy downing content together as much as possible while always putting irl first.

I added you on discord and would love to talk more if you think we would be the right fit!
Bnet: Wilmo22#1212
Discord: Wilmo2432#6955

Hey Chow! We need more competitive players :tada: If you still haven’t found a team and are available to raid Saturday/Sunday morning, check us out!

Raid times: Sat/Sun 9:00am–12:00pm EST
Alliance US-Stormrage

[A] 5/10M Weekend Morning Team Looking for DPS

I added you, Id love to have a chat :slight_smile:

Hello! My guild is on Area 52. We’re called . We raid Monday, Tuesday, Thursday at 6pm EST to 9pm EST. We have RBGs on off nights and people do m+ as well. I’ve found it a good fit of a guild and I’m recruiting for them. It’s a very chill guild.

Btag: Miranda#1885

is a guild with 2/10 M & 10/10 H raiders looking for players for the main raid team to get ready for future mythic tiers as well as CE clearance. Expecting to push fast! We are on US - Thrall, horde. We raid Wednesday & Thursday 9:30-12 est. Our current goal is to gear enough serious players and practice getting through as many bosses in mythic. Currently open for most classes & roles, especially looking for a Windwalker, warrior, dh as well as dks and boomies. DM or add me on discord Lokkor#4359, or EP_Knothead#8154 or Maurio#1557 if interested or if you have any questions!

Hey there i would love to chat with you we are a 3/10M guild progressing on sunking would love to chat with you add me Warguard#1900

Hey, i added you on discord as well and would love to chat with you. We are “ ONE” on firetree. Currently working on mythic council but we also reclear every week. We raid 7-11 est tuesday and wednesday. The guild keeps a small roster for mythic so noone gets to sit. People are friendly and most have been here anywhere between 2-6-10 years. Add me if you wild like to hear more about the guild and if we are a good fit for what you are after

Hello there!

If you’re still looking for a guild, I think we’d be a good fit. We are a semi-casual guild looking to have fun while being productive in endgame PvE content. We do raid until 11:30 PM, but we never go over time. If you have any questions don’t be afraid to reach out

Copy/Paste starts now:
I am a part of guild “Ardent” on Stormrage [A]. We are a pretty fresh guild, but the main 7-8 core players are 2/10 M, +1400 IO, 215+ ilvl (progressed in old guild). We are creating this guild to be AOTC-first then achieve some mythic progression. Not advertising as a CE guild, but if it happens then great! We have been 10/10H since the first week we made the guild, and are currently waiting to finish off our Mythic raiding team

Many of us do M+ throughout the week as well (many KSM players), with Saturdays dedicated to guild keys day.

Requirements: 18 years of age, players with a good game sense, attitude, open minded, and willingness to learn. We are just look to have fun and play the game at mythic raid level.

Our raid times are T/TH 8:30 - 11:30 PM EST

Bnet: Snabic#1341
Discord: Snabic#8534

Hi Chowwmaster,

Homie Hoppers (Alliance-Stormrage) is currently looking for a ranged DPS for our newly formed weekend raid - raid times 8:30pm-11:30pm EST Friday/Saturday. Led by 2-day 8/10M raiders, we are looking to fill out our roster with solid players to kill some mythic bosses while maintaining a fun & relaxed non-toxic atmosphere. This team is currently 3/10M with Sun King almost down.

If interested, please fill out our brief application at https://forms.gle/SpHnJr7h4zgcX7cj9 or if you have any questions, feel free to contact me via Bnet (Reagan#11656).

[H] [Shu’halo] 2/10M is my guild. We are looking for more consistent players to help round out our mythic team. Alot of research going into classes and specs is a respectable thing. We are slowly plugging towards CE whether it happens or not we will continue moving forward. Always looking for motivated dedicated players. We raid Tues/Thurs 7pm - 11pm EST with a 10 min break at 9pm. Wed/Friday we run a 2nd H prog group that is currently 6/10 made of mostly players who are newer to raiding and learning. Saturdays for keys and a Mount farming day on Sundays.

Discord: Ratha#0856 // Battle net: Ratha#11237

Discord: Waited12ears#9954 | BattleNet: Waited12ears#1255
Discord: IHaveBarigudSax#1337 | BattleNet: BarigudSax#1657

Hi Chowwmaster!

We have an immediate need for a boomy for our mythic raid progression.

CHECK! We raid Wednesdays and Sundays 8:30p-11:00p

CHECK! We’re Alliance!

CHECK! We are 2/10M after having a bit of a late start on this tier.

We are a group of adults that are striving to balance our passions in WoW with real life responsibilities. We have jobs, kids, etc. We have a friendly atmosphere and low drama because we take the time to find raiders who’s goals align with the guild’s.

We strive to get as far into mythic raiding as possible on a reduced schedule. We can’t promise CE, but have had CE success in the past for certain tiers. Our goal is to get through heroics as fast as possible and then clear as many mythics as we can before new content is released.

If we sound like a good fit, please reach out to Shadizar (Battle Tag: Shadizar#1464 ; Discord: Shadizar#4380). Good luck in your guild search and hope to hear from you soon.
