Still can’t get onto Area 52. Is it too late to get my $ back?
Refunds are time-sensitive, but you can always check. Via the support link at the top of the page, choose the game, then navigate to Payments > Refunds, and follow the prompts from there.
Thanks Ekon!
Many welcomes!
I’m waiting in queue on Area 52 right now. Started at 180min.
I’m now at 2470 ppl . . . 109min left in que. I’ve played on this realm for years, through other expansions, never had this problem.
To think, we prepaid to wait in a 2+ hour line. lol
It was almost 4 hours last night. Queue finished and I logged on for 10 minutes before I went to sleep… With the MILLION$ they get in subscriptions monthly, you’d think they’d plan things slightly better…
I know it doesn’t solve anything right now, but Community recently posted the following:
Something else to keep in mind: Current technologies do have limitations. Even with all the money in the world, rapid R&D, and so forth, those limitations will continue to exist until the technology advances. There will always be hard caps, regardless of what is used in a server.
For example: If a company has the absolute best hardware available, the best connectivity available, etc., there will still be a limit on how many users it can support. While that limit may be high, a limit exists nonetheless. If the configuration were changed to allow more users than what it is designed to support, performance would be degraded, even to the point of creating an unstable system.
While Blizzard may be able to remove the caps, it’s certainly something they will not do as it would negatively impact everyone at that point. Just because something can be done doesn’t mean it should be done.
Just some food for thought
I have also been waiting and waited 3 hours last night just to be able to play 30 mins because i was falling asleep at the keyboard. The easiest solution to this is offer FREE REALM TRANSFERS and it would fix this issue immediately specially since there is now several new realms and other that remain in “low”. Please offer free realm transfers a lot of us that work full day jobs havent been able to play longer than 30 mins to an hour after being in queue for so long. (Currently 5,367)
CS wouldn’t have anything to do with free realm transfers. That would be more of a developmental decision. If you’d wish to see free realm transfers enabled, the best thing to do would be to submit the suggestion through the Support menu in-game, or post to one of the many threads about the subject in General Discussion.
so why do you put so many people in the realms it would seem you knew this would happen
Same Server. Same faction. Same Problem. I have friends and streamers from the same server who are literally logging off the entire game closing the client and relogging with zero queue instantly back into game. Yet my queue has been going on for 3 hours starting at position 4500. I don’t understand. Why do some accounts have priority over others?
No disrespect, but if we’re here because we can’t login, how would we access the “in-game” support menu while we are stuck in the queue for 4 hours? And we shouldn’t have to suggest a solution. They know there is a problem, they should have already provided a solution or at the least, state they will have one very soon.
You can click on the support link at the top of the page, goes to the same place.
They don’t. I can’t account for what you are claiming. Frankly, I question the validity of it, but that isn’t something I’d have the tools to prove one way or another.
I believe they said “or post in one of the many threads in General Discussion”.
While that is your opinion, that does not change the fact that Customer Support is unable to assist here. Outside of looking into a refund request, which was your original question.
Anything beyond that, is best directed to the appropriate place for feedback.
Again, as I linked earlier. Community has posted in General Discussion on this subject.