22 Aug Evoker Raid

Correct, so ebon might is forced to be more spread, on top of insane crit no longer being possible.

Thought crit was already capped.

If that wasn’t the case with the buff - that’s a problem

technically, crit is capped at 100%.

You’re not wrong (exactly.)

In previous expansions - you could only get so much +crit. Maybe buffs circumvent that.

This is what I’m expecting to happen.

Had like 6 people do the same joke in the raid i just did

First time it was funny, 2nd time we said it had already been said, 3ed we told them off l, 4th we told to shut it, 5th we kicked (then reinvited)

6th was host so we just dogpiled them, lol

Does this surprise you? Class “Balances” have been wack ever since and people stating that devs do not even play the game (Like the recent 10% killshot damage buff to BM’s … wtf?) and this is a result of it, devs being only paper & stat “players” than actually playing the game itself.

I…ughhhh…hate to link an asmon vid but…ugh…yea…lmao:

I think it safe to say that the game is kinda borked right now.

In previous expansions, (BFA) fire mages could and did reach 100% to my knowledge.

Holy cow. That is a lot of dps!

I like how 2009 Blizzard opted against support classes like this because they said they couldn’t balance it properly, but everyone just assumed the modern WoW team that ran the game into the ground knows how to do it perfectly :joy:

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And it’s dead.

  • Evoker
    • Augmentation
      • Spatial Paradox now increases the range of melee spells for Paladins, Monks, and Druids. It now also increases the radius of Ancient Teachings and Stampeding Roar while it is active.
      • A single player may now only benefit from a maximum of 4 each of the Ebon Might, Prescience, and Shifting Sands effects.
      • Breath of Eons can no longer proc the Fate Mirror effect.

i cant even bring myself to care this game is so past its prime. in burning crusade i wouldve been fuming

Nerf Aug Evokers

So on top of the ludicrous amount of primary stat stacked on them, they also had +66% crit? Yeah, I can kinda see how that might be an issue.

Oh, and do they get 22 separate rolls for whether or not they proc extra damage from the enhanced prescience capstone? Even if the proc rate isn’t great that’s still another huge multiplier on top of having nearly everything crit.

Gigastacking aug probably has some legitimate scaling issues and there will need to be a cap. I support the suggestion upthread of hard capping at 2 EMs/Prescience received, since that won’t negatively impact anyone who isn’t deliberately stacking to outrageous levels; with a normal number of conventional DPS in a raid you could have 5-6 Augs no problem and they would just not all be buffing the SAME people.

One of the dev interviews said they didn’t want it to feel bad to have you and your buddy both want to try Aug (or eventually, main it) and be unable to do a dungeon together. Which is fair, but I think a cap of 2 buffs per recipient would still be fine. (In a raid you can still have more total Augs than that, they’ll just be forced to spread the buffs around the raid, unlike this video.)

Well, for starters, it has 30 people in it! If all those other people are necessary to the strat then all 10 people you have to bench for the mythic raid cap are augs, which cuts your number of augs almost in half. In a comp that is built around exploiting how they scale.

On top of that, it’s a 1 heal comp – maybe fine for a heroic you overgear by a ton, but not so healthy for mythic even in a really short fight. Which it won’t be anyway, mythic bosses have substantially more HP.

Your DPS is going to drop off a cliff once the Ebon Mights start timing, and the second cast (if you live that long) will only partly overlap the end of fury/warp. And that’s without even knowing the specific timing of unholy’s opener and when THAT falls off.

The potential for SOMETHING like this (even if they couldn’t anticipate the specifics) was exactly why they released Aug in the middle of a tier whose RWF was already over. It will definitely be nerfed sometime in the next few months, the only question is how and how much.

They’ve addressed this issue by capping it at 4 Augmentation Evokers total, which fixes this issue that was originally brought up here, but I don’t think you realize just how bad something like what OP posted is for the game.

Agreed to that extent, my concern was moreso with groups leveraging the fact augs do stack to abuse this on a smaller scale which while it wouldn’t make mythic bosses 30 seconds, might make the final very difficult phase 20 seconds.