217 Ilvl Destro Lock LF prof guild

I’m looking for a progression raiding group for heroic and mythic+. Tuesday/wednesday/Thursday would be good days for me with Monday being optional. I’m on stormrage but could xfer if needed. I have AotC from the last two tiers.

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Are you looking to stay Alliance or open to switching to Horde? We are heroic tier focused and mythic+ runners , mostly maintaining our guild as a community for people to make friends. Our raid time is Tues/Thurs 9pm EST to midnight EST.

Hello Phenwick,

Chads on Top was a mid patch formed guild that completed AOTC in CN. We’re looking to complete AOTC in 9.1 as well as push mythic raiding. Raiding on Tues/Wed 830PM EST - 11PM.

We’re a laid back raid environment as long as we’re downing content.

We provide raid supplies as well as repairs.

If you’re interested add me on Bnet or Discord!

Btag: SameClothes#1571

Hey there! If you are looking to play horde, my guild is looking for a warlock.
We are on zuljin, our goal is to get AOTC and run some keys. Check us out.

Hey there Phenwick! If you would be open to Horde, we sound like we could be a fit for you. Here is a little snippet you can review and if you have any questions please feel free to add me.


Turalyon – US is recruiting all DPS classes and potentially a healer with DPS OS. We are a non-hardcore raiding guild focused on Mythic dungeons, helping others gear, and non-hardcore raiding (AOTC) 6/10 SoD N then into heroic

Raid Times 2 days a week
Tuesday 8-11 PM EST
Thursday 8-11 PM EST

We are a community and family and on non-raid night you might see us doing: Mythic+, WoW hide and seek, mog content, alt runs on Sundays, some casual PvP, and many other random activities and events.

We are active in discord throughout the day and chat with one another as we go about our day. If this sounds like a fit, let’s chat!!

Hey there! We are recruiting and would love to have you! Also, we are on Stormrage!! Here are some details:

Newly formed guild looking for people ready to raid Heroic and do M+ content. Our members have heroic and mythic experience and are now coming together to get a team started!

Raid Days/Times:
Tuesday 8pm EST - 11pm EST
Thursday 8pm EST - 11pm EST

Recruitment Needs:
1 tank
2 healers.
Recruiting all dps classes/specs.

You can contact me in game or on here. My battle.net is Killermusic#1245

Torghast Tour Guides is an alliance guild on Sargeras. We’re an AOTC focused guild who dips our toes in mythic. We’re a group of a veteran players and are always down to help someone out. We do m+, do achievement runs, hang out on discord and generally play for the love of the game. You can add me on btag: tattooedgeek#1578, we have our first normal raid scheduled for tomorrow at 7CST if you’re interested. Happy adventuring!

Hi Phen! My name is Mcthiccums and we are a Progression guild! Currently, 7/10 N and we raid M/W 8-11 pm est. If you’re interested my discord is KtownWright#2030! We are also located on Stormrage.

Good luck out there