We are a reliable 100% attendance duo with many years of raiding together through multiple games. We progress our characters to the maximum outside of raid (daily Stygia farm for conduits/sockets, Soul Ash cap, max legendaries, max keys and PVP) as much as we can to increase the value of our contributions to our guild and progression fun.
We can link current guild progression encounter logs to show competency and consistently parse 70+ on heroic\mythic farm fights (often into the 90’s) and always do well on progression encounters. Currently 1/10M and 9/10H.
Willing to attend “try out” raids to demonstrate ability and assess fit both in guild and personalities. Ultimately, willing to server transfer as well if needed to make integration into new guild more effective. We will remain horde, unless an exceptional opportunity is presented.
What we are looking for in a guild:
- 2 day raiding schedule, 3 days maximum on mythic progression.
- Can make any days of the week work
- We love raiding, and would welcome assisting a heroic\alt raid team on any nights that we can make.
- Show consistent progression into mythic\heroic Nathria raid week over week.
- Proactive leadership that is not afraid to call out mistakes and constructively provide feedback that can help the entire raid team progress.
- Leadership that understands that mistakes through progression happen, and is committed to keeping the raid calm, inspired and does not express frustration through raid encounters.
- 2am EST is the latest we can raid due to one member being east coast USA
- Looking for core raider spots. Not looking to go to a raid roster that needs to backup or alt raider spots.
- Active guild with offnight heroic clears, sales runs, active M+, PVP etc. would definitely be a plus.
Thanks, and looking forward to new opportunities.