213 mm hunter LF guild that raids late or early morning

Hello im looking for a new guild i am 9/10 heroic soon to be 10/10 and i am looking for a late night guild or morning my time is central.

interested in speaking with you if raid times work. Fri/Sat 10pm-1am cst
my bnet is itschrismang#1780


Bump new guild

I’m from Charming Degenerates and we a LATE LATE night guild! hit me up if you interested! 1:30EST (10:30PST) for 3 hours on wed/thurs with an optional prog night on mondays, Looking to get AOTC and develop the roster this tier! Let me know if you have any questions! Currently 4/10H, add be on BTAG Thanatoz#1569 or Discord Ingvar#8491

Bump to new

:slight_smile: early morning weekend

Guild: Casual Addiction
Raid Times: Saturday/Sunday 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM CST
Alt Raid: Friday 7:00 PM CST
10/10 N
9/10 H

Currently Recruiting - Mythic CN Core Spot
Tanks: Closed
Healers: Open (Disc priest, - resto druid, Holy priest will be considered)
Melee DPS: Open (Unholy DK)
Ranged DPS: Open (Boomkin, MM hunter - Mage, Spriest will be considered)

About us:

We are a guild that is dedicated to killing bosses and clearing content. Our goal for this expansion is to get CE in every raid tier. Just like any other guild we have had our ups and downs but we are committed to building a core raid team that will stick together for every raid tier in SL and beyond.
Outside of raid we are always down to push M+, do xmog runs and achievement runs.
Our roster spots are based on performance and attendance.

What we are looking for in our players:
Preferably 21+.
Willing to learn and adapt to changes in game.
At least 1 alt class/spec for raid.
Complete at least 4 14s in M+ each week (2 226 vault slots)
90% attendance

Extra Information:
We will also be running guild events
I.E. Hide and Seek, Guild Raffles, Death Darts, Transmog Fashion Contest, ETC :).

For any questions please contact:
Heyzuice#2206 (Discord)
Heyzuice#1233 (Bnet)
Arkenz#4025 (Discord)
Arken#11402 (Bnet)

Bump to new guild

Hey Sonaire, you might be a good fit for my our guild. We raid 7-10 PST (so 9pm CST) on Tue & Thur. We are looking to pickup an immunity RDPS for our core mythic team currently 10/10 H and 2/10 Mythic. If that is something that interests you feel free to reach out at apply (dot) vibin (dot) cc or add me on discord: zejai#2485

About Us

We are Imminent Failure, a horde guild on Area 52. We are currently 10/10N, 7/10H and currently progressing. We are intent on clearing into Mythic and are looking for like minded dedicated players to finish filling out raid spots. We do not bench any raider, if recruited you raid each week. We are a core of very experienced players that have been together for upwards of 8-10 years. We recently transferred to Area 52 from Stormrage alliance.

Outside of raid we have an active group of players that enjoy pushing M+ keys to increase gear or IO. We also have many that enjoy other games in addition to WoW and generally a very active and inclusive discord community.

Raid Times

Friday: 10PM - 1AM EST
Saturday: 10PM - 1AM EST

A third day is possible in mythic content, and would be discussed and voted on by the guild.


Knowledge of your class and each spec it provides
Communication in raid as needed (working mic)
A humble and good attitude
Character is enchanted/gemmed appropriately for raid
Maintain 90% raid attendance, emergencies happen and we completely understand this

Recruitment Needs

Do not hesitate to apply even if your class/spec is not listed below. There is no substitution for great players regardless of class and spec.


Any off spec for M+ that can dps during Raid


Shadow Priest
Fire Mage
Unholy DK
Outlaw Rogue
WW Monk
MM Hunter


Disc/Holy Priest
Holy Paladin


Btag - Optykal#1104
Disc - Mekk#4763

Btag - Waffuru#11750
Disc - Waffuru#3943

Bump for new guild with raid times 10 pst or later.

I’m assuming our “morning” raids are going to be too late for you, but just in case they aren’t I’m going to leave this here.

Phasers On Stun - H - Illidan 9/10h, 1/10m

Raid times:
Weekend group: 12pm-4pm central time on Saturday Sunday (weekend afternoons). 10/12m.
Weeknight group: 5-8pm central time, Wednesday and Thursday. New for SL.

Friday night heroic (very optional) 5-8pm central time.

Rules & Information:
Age limit - We do not want players under 18, most of the guild is in their mid 20s to mid 30s.
Loot - RCLootCouncil. You keep BoP upgrades for your mainspec. BoEs go to the guild bank always.
Attendance - needs to be above 80% within any rolling 3 month average. Absences need to be posted in discord in advance. Not the place for you if your work schedule is crazy, or you often need to AFK.
Roster size - we run a roster of around 25. 5 people sit for every fight. It rotates on a per boss basis in an attempt to get everyone the loot they need. Know that you will sit sometimes. Probably for at least 1-2 bosses a weekend.
Guild bank - takes all BoEs & provides food, flasks, prepots, repairs, etc.
Civility - We won’t tolerate racism, homophobia, or just generally being a horrible person. First offense gets you removed for any of this.

The ultimate goal of this guild is to build a mythic team capable of getting CE. I don’t have any interest in being top 100, top 500, or anything like that; however I would like to get there eventually. We’re definitely not going to sacrifice being decent human beings or having fun to get there though.

Application: https://forms.gle/rQAdS3ouuu6mexh18

Discord: brandy#0001
battle.net: brandy#1599

Bump for new guild

Bumps for new guild

We can discuss

Bump for new guild

We’re alliance on stormrage looking for a rDPS to fill out our core for mythic on Tues/Wed if 9:30p-12:30a PST works for you! Discord is SayCarRamrod77#2344 if you want to chat!

Hey there! Check out our post and if you think we may be a fit for you send me a message on bnet :slight_smile: [H]<Safehouse> Area 52 Late Night Guild 2 Night

Still looking for guild


Idk how late you are looking but…We would love to speak with you about joining our team. Below is our spam. Please feel free to add Patticakes (info below) to discuss further. Thank you and have a great day!

Raid Times/Days: Tues&Wed 9-Midnight EST (8-11pm CST)

Current Progression: 12/12CE in BFA. 3/10M 10/10H Multiple Sub 5% wipes on Sun King

Wowprogress (including rules and guild application): ttps://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/area-52/Vibe+Raider (please add an “h” at the front, cant post links on wow forums).

Requirements: Good logs, history of CE is a plus, knowing multiple specs of a class is a plus. Maintaining at least one geared alt is recommended but not required.

Recruiter Contact: Btag: Patticakes#1742 Discord: Patticakes#4610

[A] Stormrage-NA | 10/10 N and 2/10 H

Shadowforged is a newly formed guild of players from all aspects of the game with an Ex-Mythic progression exp raid lead. We are 10/10 N - 2/10 H and looking for more to continue progression. We are specifically looking for:

  • Boomkins
  • Hunters
  • Mages
  • Priests

Raid time are Fri-Sat 8PM to 11PM CST.

If your class is not listed above, feel free to apply anyway. We are always looking for exceptional raiders to keep everyone on their toes!

Whether you are an ex-mythic progression raider or a casual looking to still reach AOTC, Shadowforged is the home for you!

PST Pvehard#1230 for more information!