Looking for a fun / social guild! Casual Raiding progression and m+ pushing. Chill people, who don’t take themselves too seriously, who are looking to progress and get better in fun environment and not a demoralizing rage quit on.
Ideally, 2 times during the week days after 7 ET, that is still working on N SoD.
Currently I’m in Area 52 but willing to change
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2 (Lightbringer Realm) We are a casual mature raiding guild. We raid Fri/Sat 7pm-9:30pm PST. LF Holy Priest and DPS with tank OS. Any are welcome to whisper. Alts welcome! 5/10N SoD. Accepting XRealm raiders. LFM Social members too.
Add me on REAL ID to chat SarahEllis#1458
Hey Butsmasha,
You may be interested in our guild Mythic Scrubs! We are a casual AotC focused guild here on Area-52 that also runs keys on off days. We raid T/Th 8:30-11:30est. Here’s a link to our full bio if you want to know more about us [H]<Mythic Scrubs> 6/10H SoD Recruiting more for 9.1!.
Feel free to add me on discord if you are interested! Bul#3797
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Heyyy Butsmasha,
Think of how refreshing a fresh start on Mal’Ganis would be!
Reunited is a two day Mythic raiding guild formed by a group of CE raiders who couldn’t bear the thought of not raiding together anymore when their guild disbanded after achieving Cutting Edge Ny’alotha.
We have a weekly Normal/Heroic raid for casual members and alts on Sundays at 8:00pm CST. It’s a good time. We’re full clearing normal right now, once people are geared we will start Heroic. If you ever decided you wanted to trial for our Mythic raid team, we raid on Fri/Sat from 7:30pm - 11:00pm CST.
We have a super quick and easy application - our bots will autofill your logs/raider.io/wowprogress info for you - you just tell us who you are, how to reach you, and anything you think we should know - https://forms.gle/aDhpBcgCKxZh6fjK9
We also do a ton outside of raid!
- Wednesday Sanctum of Domination Sale Run
- Guild Movie Night
- Key pushing
- Key Sales
- Rated Battlegrounds
- Meta Achievement groups
- There are always people online willing to jump into a pug, run keys, do arenas, go on an achievement run, answer silly questions
Any questions? Need more info? Please message me on Discord at kat#3105
Want to apply? https://forms.gle/aDhpBcgCKxZh6fjK9
Hi there!
I think you would be a great fit for Ibyish Clan! We’re a long-standing casual guild on the Garona/Icecrown/Malygos server, and we’re currently looking for a few more reliable raiders to fill out our roster for 9.1. We’re pretty laid back, and like to have fun (but also like to get things done in-game). We raid Wed/Sun from 8:30-10:30 EST, and do mythic+ on our off nights. We aim for AOTC each tier.
If this sounds like the guild for you, I’d love to chat! My bnet is Riv#1381, or, if you prefer, discord is Shumai#2078. Thanks, and I hope to hear from you soon!