2100 duelist achieved! mission accomplished! season over?

:question: :question:10chartz


Seems like shuffle has some inflation this season

Is it organic or artifical? Is this from not rolling back mmr from last season?

Grats big Doze.

feels about the same tbh . i got duelist last season around the same time which was week 1 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :+1:

As someone’s who’s 2400 in solo shuffle I want to say congratulations

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yeah but ur husband died. rip little homie.


isnt 2400 “FREE” right now or?

I wish 2400 was free, damn

i mean according to these forums 2400 is always “FREE” so who knows

Grats. I’m at 2035 right now and if i hit duelist it will be a first. Really hopeful


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :+1:

Blizz seemingly didn’t rollback mmr much, this is basically a continuation of S3.

Whatever you capped at in S3, just win 50/50 and you’ll get there again

Then go positive like a game a week and you’ll steadily climb

So far it’s working in terms of getting more participation. My queues are like 5-10mins during prime time.

yeah rating right now seems kind of “FREE”

Could you please expound upon that notion?

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now heres the most important question, does solo shuffle rating “COUNT”?

And are there rewards to make SS relevant / worth doing?

Tbh I just wish SS and BG Blitz inherited all of the rewards for rated PvP grouping and killed off those modes in general. It would increase SS and BG Blitz participation, make it more accessible for newer players, and is a better test of individual influence on the outcome of the match anyways and it saves everyone all of the headache of group. There is also the added benefit that there are no paying for carries as you cannot group. Minimum gear requirements are great for these modes as well.

In general net positives for the betterment of the PvP community.

I’m sorry what?

I completely agree that solo queue options are a fantastic addition to the game for players that lack teammates or play casually and want to login immediately and queue up.

However, solo queue is hardly an individual test of skill. It’s a dog pile to see who parses the best DPS and trades efficiently. It effectively removes any team element required for success in normal brackets. Team based arena offers the best rewards because it showcases not only individual skill but also team synergy. RSS should never offer Gladiator Mounts or the premier R1 title. It’s the Diet Coke version of arena. And that’s coming from someone that enjoys RSS casually.

Furthermore, there’s already people manipulating the queues and throwing matches for payment in the shuffle bracket. While it may not suffer the same malicious issues as the normal arena bracket, it nonetheless has negative behavior that undermines spirit of competition. If the normal arena brackets were removed, that behavior would just become more prevalent.

If you want to achieve a good “net positive” for the arena community, then the best option is to improve the LFG system, add more rewards from the bottom up and to offer seasonal reward tracks for people that stick to 1-2 toons rather than FOTM rerolling during every patch.


Nah, the only people getting R1 are the same 3s teams that have been doing so for 15 years.

Blizzcon teams are exclusively the ones that carry people for r1, otherwise no one is getting there from group finder lol

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Sure, doesn’t change my opinion on Gladiator Mounts.