2100 duelist achieved! mission accomplished! season over?

Eh glad mounts don’t really matter, dragon riding mounts with helms are cooler anyways lol

And Swift Spectral Tiger.

TBC netherwind drakes were cool because of the armor, that was pretty much it. And we have those now with basic dragon riding lol

So at least my incentive is 0.

And Hero of the Alliance is a cooler title than Gladiator ¯_(ツ)_/¯

As someone who’s gotten r1, I don’t agree with this


Much easier to buy anyway



I mean if you have a job and make good money why not

Lol totally a paid carry hpally

Bruh I pushed in the pandemic when we weren’t working and no way in the world that a healer would be a paid carry. I was top 3 hpally on the latter all shadowlands. I was also on latter for rdruid and two mws. I even got on with my undergeared rogue. I was comfy latter on both mws all legion and didn’t play much BFA.

You’re cute tho :two_hearts:



Looks like you bought the carry, then played some in arguably the most inflated season ever, then capped out at challenger ever since

Lying when the proof is easy to find is insane


Ya I totally “bought” duelist too. Again, no healer is buying hero lol… I pushed and got hero and haven’t taken it seriously since, why would I?

Literally haven’t even played Dragonflight.

The duelist is irrelevant since, again, it was the most inflated season ever lmao if you queued at all you could get duelist it wasn’t hard

Keep tryna convince people you aren’t trash tho

Another person who bought rating they would never be good enough to get legit coming to the forums to talk about things they don’t understand

Mental illness for daaaaaaaaaaayyyyss


Didn’t buy anything, thanks for the compliment! Again. No one is carrying a healer to hero.

You keep saying you’re a healer but you’re spec’d ret right now and your highest ss as holy is 1500 lmao

“Oh but I haven’t played DF!!”


People who get exposed usually don’t take it to well I understand


Literally nothing about your achievement history matches up with this, unless you’re saying it was on a different account or something?

I mean I don’t care, there’s Boomy’s who got legit Hero S1 SL who couldn’t hit 1500 any season after, just looking for clarification since you said you were a top 3 healer for an entire expansion.

Do I really have to define latter versus LADDER in this thread?


We should define lobster as sea spider, and gross.

I agree after I was accosted by Chan in that other thread.

Chan went hard in your paint, sir. I even had to like the response since it eluded to lobster being a garbage-tier food. lol

do it for me friend

You know, I was about to post the definition of latter in this thread. But then I remembered it’s not my job to fix the failing American Education System.

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Haha that is the classic buy a boost one season. Lie about exp the next season, and by season 3 everyone knows who you are so you are back to challenger. Amazing photo.

I love his arguments. I tried really hard one time, “I just don’t try anymore”.

Uh, maybe, but people getting hero by accident for existing in rbgs during sinful wasn’t exactly unheard of.

1900-2500 in 7 days after earning 1800 over 4 years prior

This doesn’t appear to be a “inflation finally helped me” story