20th Anniversary Wishlist

WoW’s 20th anniversary is this October, as everyone knows. I haven’t read anything about Blizzard’s plans but I have to believe that they’re going to do some special stuff beyond what they normally have done in past years. Are there any things you would like to see happen during this year’s anniversary? Just off the top of my head, a few things I’d like to see are:

  1. Extended event : First off, I hope they extend it to the end of the year.
  2. Timewalking Vanilla raids : I forget which year but recently they had a special re-release of the Molten Core raid scaled to the then max level. I would like to see them do this again for other old school (Vanilla, BC) raids. I never got to experience raiding way back when and it would be nice to do so even if it is for a limited time only. I know Classic is out there but I don’t play it and I don’t anticipate that I will.
  3. Old-school re-release of retired dungeons : Similar to how they re-released old-school Scholomance, I wish they would re-release the original version of Sunken Temple. Additionally, maybe Scarlet Monastery and Dire Maul.

My hope is the same hope I’ve been hoping since they started making anniversary events:

A modern remake of T1 sets from Molten Core, with 3D bits and bobs and everything.


The other day someone mentioned the idea of a Timewalking feature that allows retail players to group up with Classic players… while in the instance/dungeon only

I thought that was a neat idea, although I’m not sure how such a feature could be implemented considering the servers seem to be completely separate

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It should, the 10th and 15th anniversaries lasted until early January.

The 15th anniversary had nine bosses pulled from TBC, WotLK, and Cata.

Original Scarlet Monastery is already back in the game, but you have to either buy the key or wait until Hallow’s End to get your own key.


I know no one else will want it, but I still want a fun 150-player version of original Ashran running during the 20th since it will also be the 10th anniversary of WoD. Yeah, WoD’s not got the best rep at least in terms of quantity of content, but hanging in Ashran with friends and the various great leads was probably the most fun I’ve got out of the retail game since Wrath aside from messing around making my little GIFs, I guess. Buuut…I don’t think that’s what the company will do. And, whatever they come up with, I hope it’s actually more creative than what I would like :dracthyr_lulmao:.

I was wondering the same thing as the OP two years ago. :laughing: If I stick around, hopefully I’m inspired enough by anniversary time to make a little special GIF for the occasion. :point_down:


Playable Ogres.

Dance Studio as a long-ago promised bonus.


This is going to trigger a lot of people, but I hope they do a limited time sale of the OG Collector’s Edition companions in the shop.


On that note, it would be nice if they did a similar thing with Wintergrasp. During WotLK, it was incredible. I liked Ashran, too, by the way. I’d be down for it.

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Love this idea!

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I’d like if they did all of them, dungeons and raids both.

Call me old school, but I’d like to see them start doing routine maintenance for PvP again.

When it comes to big anniversaries, I feel it’s a bit dangerous to start dreaming that the dev team is running with an extra gear in reserve they can kick into for special occasions.

(not that it isn’t fun to dream)

I want this badboy back

Maybe incoming cataclysm classic event will bring it back???

The wording here is suggestive the this info is a leak… but the info reads like a wish list.

I hope they do more than what is listed, because they have already done more than that in years past. For example, the list doesn’t include the Tarren Mill vs Southshore BG.

I’d expect them to release something new for both PvE and PvP that links to Vanilla and has new rewards, including a rewards track that features something akin to HD remasters of Vanilla gear. If it’s not a big thing then I’ll personally be disappointed.

A remake of the tier 2 armor sets. With all the HD texture and 3D assets of the modern age. An up to date Judgement set would be amazing!


I think it’d be fun if for the time period of the anniversary, they brought back all of the untamable pets that at one point were briefly tamable though not intended. I have a couple, like the grim totem spirit wolf and the worm from dread wastes but missed some like the slime.

That was for WoW’s 10th anniversary during WoD. I don’t think 10 years ago is “recently”. And please no. The MC TW raid was pain. They did not adjust mechanics for the dispel changes they did with MoP. Where dispels got an 8 sec cd.

Old SM is already a thing. You got a key from the Headless Horsemen (or from the old Library if you are in a group with someone who got the key from HH). Dire Maul saw no changes from Vanilla → Cata outside of closing off the passageway from West to North. So why would they do an old version of Dire Maul when the old version is still here?

My guess is, the 20th anniversary will be similar to the 15th. Where they pull 9 bosses from MoP, WoD and Legion, with 3 bosses from each in a quick fire timewalking lfr event.

For the per 5 anniversaries we have gotten

5th: Revamped Onyxia’s Lair with updated loot table (Trial of the crusader ilvl), new mechanics and a mount

10th: TW Molten Core that rewarded a mount for completion and a chance at a pet and a helm piece that uses the cloth ‘crown of flame’ helm model from vanilla.

15th: 3 bosses from TBC, Wrath and Cata each in a quickfire LFR queue where you experience iconic moments from those bosses. The bosses chosen are either infamous via memes (Heigen the Unclean) or important lore characters.


Bringing back the battle pet Gillvanas. I’m sure some would appreciate if they’d bring back some old favorite battle pets that players didn’t get a chance to get. :bat::purple_heart::bow_and_arrow::black_heart:

LOL. It didn’t feel like 10 years ago as I was remembering it but I guess it was. Admittedly, TW MC was a sh*tshow but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

Blizz put it up on the BMAH for those who missed it, same goes for the Corehound mount.