Bruh retail WoW has had OCE realms since MoP and there’s never been talk of that not being worth it.
Yet has been proven commercially viable in this very game?
Okay perfect, and us… You.
Have fun NOT getting the servers though!
Well, let’s make it really simple…
Blizzard, presumably, have access to subscriber numbers, including locations of those subscribers.
They are, afaik, a business which exists to make a profit.
So, given those 2 points…if they are electing to NOT release an OCE server, one can only presume it won’t make sufficient money to justify the expense.
There could be other explanations as well (gross incompetence etc), but I’m going to go with the most obvious and logical.
As I say, it doesn’t bother me either way - I started in 2004 on Proudmoore at 250 ping and have no issues playing that way whatsoever.
i accept what I cannot change and in cases like this, am consequently happier as a result.
That’s awesome that you don’t have issues, but just because you’re ok with something it doesn’t mean everyone else is or has to be.
Plenty of oce players will be looking at 350+ ms (im on 370~) to US servers and the game feels awful to play. That might have been acceptable 20 yrs ago when you started playing but its not acceptable in the year 2024 lol. And what’s even less acceptable is how coy blizzard is being about the whole thing.
They are just likely hoping that they can penny pinch by spinning up fewer servers, and hoping people like you shill for them by accepting a subpar experience compared to paying customers in other regions. I guess the numbers show a high shill percentage here?
You’re forgetting that not every customer is ‘known’. I wasn’t ‘known’ before 2019 classic, you can hardly expect to grow your customer base whilst shrinking your operations.
Seems weird you’re out here telling people to not express their want to be properly served by the company but then saying stuff like this.
Are you suggesting that Blizzard only ever make good decisions with the data they have access to?
In a thread about a game mode where the bulk of Blizzard’s decisions over the last 15 years were specifically not included?
I don’t bemoan you your position on that. If you’re happy with that, that’s great. There are many of us whom do not share that sentiment though. I feel the extra latency in everything. Casting, looting, mob health bar frame updates, it permeates the entire experience. This is before even considering the fact that when I fight someone in the US in either world pvp , BG, or Arena, I’m now at a 150ms+ handicap. That is not inconsequential and personally, I can’t and won’t simply be happy with that.
I have no idea about the costs of establishing servers.
I do know they have spoken about server merges being resource-intensive in the past. I think it’s reasonable to assume this is likely part of their reason. There’s also the community preference for mega-servers, with better layering tech compared to 2019.
I think OCE is a bit different though, as lots of people would rather play on a 20ms, 4000 pop server than a 200ms, 20000 pop server.
I also think this issue will reoccur with every release and I would like to see Blizz take a more long term view, without that just being no more OCE servers ever again.
No, I just accept what I cannot change - if you want to beat up the support for an OCE server, feel free. I don’t see my role is agitating for a service that, frankly, I have seen implemented in the past and then watched as it has fallen apart.
People are all hype for the first few weeks…and then reality hits and after a while the numbers ease off and what started as a bullet hype train becomes a slow-moving locomotive.
And if you think this is “shilling”…rofl. You mistake my insouciance over the issue for the opposite, which is hilarious
Imagine criticisng people for their grasp of the English language… and then typing this in the same conversation. Insane.
Think I mentioned it in the original post, but I am an IT Infrastructure Engineer (Actually the Team Lead) by profession. “Servers” generally aren’t as expensive as a lay person may think them to be. These days most of the infrastructure is in a cloud platform like AWS, Azure or GCP. I do a lot of work in Azure and AWS as my org’s servers are almost exlusively in these environments.
I couldn’t give estimates on what their cost is without knowing what we refer to as the “Size” (Essentially CPU Core Count / RAM / DISK provisioning (Disk Size / Type) of the servers that they’re running, but for an organisation of any significant size it’s not something you worry about.
I need a new server for work and I just spin it up. No approvals necessary, with very few exceptions (SQL Enterprise for example because that gets $$ very quickly dependant on how many CPU cores you spin up)).
On top of that, servers in these environments can be vertically resized as well, which means if you’re not using the capacity of a virtual machine you have running, you can change it to a difference size - say, half the cores and RAM for example. In Azure, that’s a circa 3 minute outage. Click like 2 buttons and wait for the VM to restart - done.
If you don’t see your role as agitating for a role that, frankly, you’re misrepresenting with this statement, and are advocating for “being happier by not worrying about things you can’t change”… why are you hear arguing against people providing feedback to a company that they pay a monthly service to?
You’re not going to change peoples minds and convince them that asking for the bare minimum for their $20 a month isn’t worthwhile.`
You can express your situation to your heart’s content - I do not lay any claim suggesting you do otherwise.
I am simply advocating for an assessment of the reality…no OCE server has been announced and the service goes live in about 36 hours so it suggests that there is, in fact, no OCE server planned. I believe there’s a Twitter post from someone at Blizzard reflecting that.
It’s hardly controversial lol.
Such a weird statement. If it wasn’t controversial for Blizzard to not communicate with their paying customers, 36 hours out from a launch, about whether they’re being provided with a reasonable option to play the game they’re paying for… there wouldn’t be any posts about it.
No, an employee posting on twitter of all places doesn’t count as communicating with the customers. Twitter is an American extremist propoganda machine. Not the best place for Blizzard to reach their Australian Audience.
I’m not posting to change people’s minds…I am posting solely to acknowledge the reality, vis, there won’t be an OCE server at release.
If people wish to canvass to change that, or gripe about it’s unfairness or shortsightedness, by all means do so. But at the least accept that starting position and try to first understand why that position has been taken.
Isn’t it wonderful!
Rejoice at no OCE servers.
You’re correct. However I believe that this i a misstep on Blizzard’s part. They’re estimating player numbers based on SoD, Cata etc. These variants of the game aren’t as popular as Vanilla through WoTLK and so I’d argue they’re not a valid comparison.
Comparing to original classic through WoTLK on Oceanic Realms would be a more accurate comparison in my view. The main problem here, is whether or not their estimates are accurate, starting all OCE players out on NA realm/s with a wait and see approach is a mistake. It’s guaranteed to fracture the playerbase should high enough demand exist.
They should go the other way. Start with OCE Realms, and merge them into NA if there isn’t the support to keep them healthy. If I had to guess, I’d wager on them staying healthy through to WoTLK though… Which is years!
Add on to this players like myself whom given the only the option to play on NA, choosing to instead simply not play and unsub instead, and the issue is compounded.
My statement “its hardly controversial” was towards my position, it had nothing to do as regards Blizzard’s choice of communication protocols.