My reply to that statement isn’t in regards to blizzards lack of communication. My reply is in regards to your position.
“It doesn’t affect me, so screw you” is an inherently controversial stance to take, and coming to a post with people trying to ask for a better experience for their dollars, and arguing that because we all put up with it 20 years ago, we shouldn’t ask for it now after 15 years of having servers, is obviously a controversial stance to take.
It almost feels like you’re being a contrarian for the sake of arguement, as your statements are illogical. You project an air of smugness and superiority in an effort to convince people to let it go and not try to convince blizzard to provide them with a basic service. If that’s how you truly feel, then isn’t trying to change our minds a bit hypocritcal?
I saw it when we first got OCE servers in what was it…2007? 2008 maybe? And as the subscriber base slipped from the multi-million high post WOTLK release and into Cata and then MoP…I saw first hand how the OCE servers slowly became ghost towns and were ultimately merged.
The OCE player base is remarkably fickle - as soon as the shiny new thing isn’t shiny and new anymore, many players drift off to other pursuits. And the OCE server that once thrived became a graveyard.
Every single region had a similiar percentage of dead servers that required merging, which is an obvious thing to happen when the game goes from 12 million subscribers to 7 million subscribers in two years. Please explain why that justifies having zero OCE servers?
You’re WELCOME to disagree, there’s no issue with that. You’re entitled to your opinion. For large parts of the game, the ping isn’t going to be much of an issue. It’s workable, just not ideal. The issue I and others are taking with your comments, is that you’re acting superior, snobbish and entitled, as if your opinion is the only one that matters and anyone that disagrees is stupid, and when you’re being asked to support your reasoning for the hostility, your responses are vague, empty, and without substance.
Case in point…
You can express your situation to your heart’s content - I do not lay any claim suggesting you do otherwise.
I am simply advocating for an assessment of the reality
These are not compatible statements.