Cant share links here. The poll has been posted on the CLassic WoW subreddit, as well as the WoWhead Classic WoW channel.
Over 2600 votes so far overwhelmingly in support of Dual Spec. Vote and let your voices be heard!
Cant share links here. The poll has been posted on the CLassic WoW subreddit, as well as the WoWhead Classic WoW channel.
Over 2600 votes so far overwhelmingly in support of Dual Spec. Vote and let your voices be heard!
waste of time. the decision has already been made:
That means no dual spec
Blizz doesnt follow subreddit posts. If you dont like classic then dont play it STOP trying to make Classic more RETAIL people play Classic becasue they dont like RETAIL!!!
They added a chronoboon and changed the honor system.
But go on. Keep thinking the statement that says they arent stricly doing no changes means they arent doing no changes.
Post your logs you wimp.
pretty sure that is what they meant when they said
Here is the full quote tho!!!
The Fresh servers will be better off without the “make it easier, gib me lootz for swipe” crowd.
Which means adding dual spec is indeed something they will do.
Lol no that is a horrible idea.
dual spec =/= mirroring classic vanilla
What blizz needs to do is Region lock the servers and make them ANTI VPN. This would make a massive impact on the RMT.
Changing is 50 gold max… this is nothing, this is so little gold that its not even worth considering… I get bigger tips from enchanting Fire weapon.
Chronoboon and new pvp honor system doesnt mirror it yet they added those.
Are you high?
Dual spec doesnt change anything.
Its quality of life.
Actually it does, it forces spec change within a raid.
They can just make it so you cant change specs in an activity.
How is Dual Spec a bad thing when the hardest thing to do in a 40 man raid is fill in the roles less people like to play?
If youre against Dual Spec youre shooting your raid in the foot.
how about you can’t change specs without first going to a class trainer and paying an incremental fee up to 50g? cuz that’s what you’re gonna get
If you want DS you’re basically telling every player they now need potentially 2 sets of gear for PVE alone, and that they WILL be changing specs mid raid.
Right now you have to go to town spend 50 gold (nothing in terms of gold) and then go about your biz.
There is no good reason to change the existing system.
what about people like me who play both retail and classic?
Enjoy the aspects of Classic while in Classic, and enjoy the aspects of Retail while in Retail.
Both games being near fully different now is not a bad thing,
The only bad thing a studio could do is to make one game more like the other because it undermines product diversity.
They will add it and youll continue to not raid and whine that everyone else is elitist.