209 10/10H (wk4) Spriest LF mythic guild

Hi! I’m a 209 Spriest with decent logs (except Sludge and Sire but they were pugs and mistakes that I have since corrected) and a history of mythic raiding. I was 11/12M last tier with a few almost CE attempts at N’zoth on BM hunter.

The reason why I’m guildless is because my guild on Barthilas Horde basically had half the progression I was expecting from the new tier due to a roster change. So I changed faction and server to come play with friends and to have better guilds to join so that I can finally get CE.

I believe that I’m a better than average player and I know that I have the skills to apply myself to a CE kind of enviroment. I also have the time and effort to put in so that I’m doing as much as I can to be best equipped for my raid.

Spriest Current Tier
Azzith RaiderIO
Azzith Logs
Azzith Armory

Zanllin Nyalotha BM Hunter (Old main)
Zanllin BM Hunter 11/12M Nyalotha logs

hey mate, we could use a good fella like you!