Hello one and all let me start off with a obvious disclaimer
- I am aware of monks current state as a healer *
That said I will say I do alright despite my desperate need of a buff, anyways on to the more important info I am a 207 IL MW monk I am currently 7/10H and I aim to find a raiding team to push AOTC with.
As far as raid times go I would prefer weekend days and times of Fri/Sat/Sun I am Central time zone however it is possible for me to do other days assuming the times worked for me.
I am a weathered player and do try hard in bettering my characters gear and skill I have invested a lot of time and energy in my monk currently to just up and abandon it or switch mains.
In any case I would love to find a guild that is within the same progress level as me around 6/10H to 7/10H or higher even I am always open to doing mythic keys and everything else in-between in a guild setting. I hope to talk to you guys soon I will link down my Bnet and armory in the mean time!!!
Bnet - Scarecrow#1600 !!!
Armory - https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/area-52/calýpso
Hey Calypso,
If you are willing to come to the Alliance (I assume you are since you are posting on Stormrage), check us out!
We over at Pack Mentality on Stormrage - Alliance are scouring the interwebs for a Holy Paladin seeking a home away from home. With an average age around 30, we have players from across the world ranging from military and students to 9-5ers and stay-at-homers. With such an interesting blend of personalities, we have had a fun time learning from each other!
Formed in the summer of 2019, the guild has achieved AOTC in Eternal Palace and Ny’alotha, with some mythic kills. Our goal is to further our adventure into mythic Castle Nathria. Raid nights are Thursday 9-12 Eastern and Friday 9-12 Eastern. Saturdays are an optional night typically reserved for alt runs/pvp/keys.
Current Progression: 8/10H
Our current needs are as follows:
- Tanks: Nada
- Healers: Holy Paladin HIGH (really anything except resto shaman)
- Melee DPS: Nope
- Ranged DPS: Not currently
If your spec is not listed, we would still love to chat! We are always recruiting exceptional players and all roles for Mythic +.
For further information, feel free to add myself, Dabears#1561, KriztovChaos#1801, raand#1678, truealpha#1270 or ask for an officer in-game
Hello! I am currently the Raid Lead of Aspire’s second raid team we are 10/10 Heroic looking for people to field a mythic roster (mostly healers and ranged dps). If you are still looking for a raid team and are willing to come Alliance, I would love to talk to you! My battlenet is groovygnome#1180 and would love to talk to you about joining us! Our raid times are Sunday / Monday 9:30 - 12:30 EST. We are looking to do as much mythic as possible.
Hello there. I see you are looking for a guild and have had a good amount of response’s already. But by chance if you are still looking here is a link to our guild recruitment. The guild is called "Lifeline " and we raid Sunday/Monday 8pm-11pm server time. It has our raid times/days and pretty much all info. Or I’d be more than happy to talk to you on here. Enjoy your day and look forward to hopefully talking to you.
Guild Recruitment - Stormrage - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)
Hello Calypso
The Fallen Order | Alliance | Stormrage ![:star: :star:](https://d38bqls1q93fod.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/star.png?v=9)
We are a freshly started guild that is primarily focused on Heroic raiding, however we do also enjoy pushing Mthyic+ keys and PvP shenanigans because loot gets bosses dead quicker. AOTC is our baseline expectation for every tier while aiming for improvement from the guild as a whole. We are actively recruiting like-minded folks for core spots and not bench. Most of the raid team is 10/10N 4/10H.
We are looking for dedicated players who can commit to raiding and are able to maintain high attendance as much as possible. We understand that life happens which means absences happen. But we ask that you try to keep it to a minimum. We ask that players show up raid ready with a strong awareness of their class, boss mechanics, and a willingness to improve. We like to have fun and joke around while still being focused on raiding strategy.
Raid Schedule ![:star: :star:](https://d38bqls1q93fod.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/star.png?v=9)
Wednesday 7pm - 10pm EST
Thursday 7pm - 10pm EST
*possibly a third day if needed
Raid Needs ![:star: :star:](https://d38bqls1q93fod.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/star.png?v=9)
- Tank(Non Dh)
- Healers(Any)
- Mix of Range and melee Dps
Guild Contacts ![:star: :star:](https://d38bqls1q93fod.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/star.png?v=9)
CastorX Bnet: CastorX#1779 Discord: CastorX#2678
Smitty Bnet: Smittyjones#1603 Discord: Smittyjones#9820
Deff would love another healer. We run farm Heroic on wednesday. Monday we start with 4/10 normal (sire denath skip) for weapons for people and then push progression on heroic. Were currently sitting at 8/10 H and yesterday we went 7/10H with a few pulls on sludge and will kill him easy come monday!
Come join us on monday if you would like to have fun and kill some dragons!