203 DH tank lf guild

I am looking for a weekday raiding guild, preferably later at night or early in the morning.

Hey Hangaguth our guild is currently recruiting for an off-tank

GUILD: Numinous

Server: Dalaran-US

Faction: Horde

Current Progress: 10/10 Normal & 3/10H

Raid Times: Friday/Saturday 9 PM EST

Currently Looking For:

[High Priority] Range DPS (Mage, Warlock), Healer

But are also taking in any class or spec.

About Us: Numinous is a semi-hardcore-based progression guild that was formed by experienced raiders, wanting to form a raid team that progresses into high-tier content while maintaining a chill atmosphere. We also run high mythic+ keys and have an active discord even when we are not in the raid.


Battlenet: M05final#1114

Discord: M05final#9096

Are you available Th/Su 20:00-24:00 EST?

GUILD: Two Orcs One Goblin

Server: MoonGuard-US

Faction: Alliance

Current Progress: 10/10 Normal & 7/10H with AotC Lead

Raid Times: Mon Wed 9:00pm Server Time (10:00 pm EST / 7:00 pm PST)

About Us: Two Orcs One Goblin is a semi casual raiding guild that enjoys hitting the bosses as hard as we hit our blunts. We also have a book club, Mythic+ teams and are putting together a RBG group.


Battlenet: HugeMcLovins#1920

Discord: hugemclovins (poppage)#7168

Server For Disc (Feel free to join, I just need to assign everyone a role once they join to be able to see the server) : 24TJNmhyHh

The SU time is a bit dodgy since I got off work at 630 MST, other than that yes.

Hi Hangaguth - I’m co-raid lead of an Alliance team on the Proudmoore server. We are currently 9/10 H, and we raid 8-11pm CST on Tues & Wed.

We are specifically recruiting for our Mythic team. We will get our AOTC in the next week or two, and then on to CE. We’re not sweaty neckbeards, we just enjoy playing our toons to the best of our ability and clearing bosses. We crack jokes on trash and down bosses in between.

Our guild Companions has done a great job of providing a niche spot for all types of interests in the game: Tues & Wed - progression team; Thurs - pvp, bgs & arenas; Fri & Sat - casual, everyone welcome guild raid; M+ every day; memes & stupid jokes in discord.

If you’re interested in more information or a trial run please message us.
In game: Gracyn#11617 or Saberpro#1901
Discord: Gracyn#8603 or Saberpro#1256
