2024 Trading Post Requests

Unused cm set colors.

That way I could mix and match the blue and red one and make anti fomie heads explode in jelly confusion.

Recolors of existing all Heritage armor sets/ weapons. Revamped NPC weapons and armors & previously removed weapons/ armor added . The AFMOD Mech they have been teasing, waking around Org for a year plus. The Kezan Hot Rod / Gnomish Hotrod multi person ground mount. In general more cosmetics that the community has been asking for. Having the monthly reward optional (separate from the earned tender towards the monthly reward) between the reward offered or a Tender bundle of equal tender value to the offered monthly reward.

Another multi accounter who spends all day here. Don’t take his comments seriously.
I’ve flagged almost all of his on one of his four forum accounts.

Huh? What?

Hats with long hair.


A chainmail shirt. Or any kind of shirt with chainmail sleeves and high collar. They could just copy the textures from the Overlord’s Breastplate (lv40-60 plate BoE).

TBC era spiky raptor mount! I prefer the blue one but I’m not super picky.

More anime transmogs. OK, maybe this one is just rage bait. But if we can get Pretty Cure outfits then surely they can cough up a decent Vash/Alucard longcoat.

Spectral tiger and the AH mount, not cuz i really want them but i think it would be funny


Would like to see a flying mount that can carry more than 1 other passenger, and doesn’t have any restrictions, like the Hivemind does.

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I would like to have a barber mount and new raptor and wolf mounts.


Maps to ‘Old World’ hidden treasurers…

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I already have a few wolf mounts on my ally toon so im good

Best not to engage.


I find all the current ones pretty ugly, to be honest. It’s time for them to release some new ones.

Full HD remakes of some older tier sets for 1k a pop. Like bloodfang, arcanist, etc but with a modern special effect. Like some part of the bloodfang set with a red glow or slow animation


This need say no more

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The RAF Panther thing, the two seater one


One word: Emotes.


Steampunk clothing and weapons transmog


everything from TCG should end up on the trading post


I think it’d be kind of cool to see pcs of t3, even if it took a majority of the trader post currency

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