coulda sent that 1500 to me lol.
An entire line of black chainmail would be cool
10 Tenders - 500 Baby Spice, Magical Pet Biscuits, or Inky Black Potions. Yes you can get them from other sources, this is the alternative and in some cases always available.
More skimpy mogs, tbh
Yes! I recently started doing pet battles and am enjoying it.
What I don’t enjoy is that there are some pets that are now unobtainable, so this would be a great addition.
Some two handed weapons that match the event theme and such.
The set for buying the next expac bundle added weapons that match it, but they are only one handed.
The x-mas candy cane weapon again one handed.
The love event weapons staff, bow etc. No 2 handed sword with a heart or anything close to how nice the others look. A warrior can xmog the staff over the 2H sword, but as a ret I can’t xmog a staff.
Wish Blizz would remove a lot of xmog rules. I know they are in place to keep class fantasy, but with how there are so many things that look silly and can be xmog’d now, why does it matter.
Fatebringer (Alexandros Mograine’s Maldraxxus Sword)
I needed this lol. Thank you.
I’d like to see a selection of completely new shirts in a variety of colors.
You’re welcome.
Warlock Fel/Wrath Guard weapons. 1/10th the cost of non-consumed versions of Trading Post weapons to allow a Warlock’s Felguard to wield. 500 tenders for the transmog weapon and 50 tenders for the item version that sits in your inventory.
I felt so bad not getting the virtual ticket when these were released, but I was at a time in my life where I had no income (highschool ). I’d do anything for these to return
I would like a nice hat.
Higher res versions of more of the old armor sets. More skimpy mogs. Or at least the chain bikini tops that were dating earlier. More steampunk weapons. High heels. More skirt options. More tusk decorations.
Recolors of a lot of FOMO items from the past. Leave the people their “i was there” trophies, but let the rest of us have a different colored version.
As a hunter, id like a Rhok’delar in some form!
This could be neat but I wouldn’t want to see it all come from the Trading Post. I’d like to see some of that stuff come from other sources like raids and dungeons.
That also would be quite fair!
This! I have wanted that mount for years.
- A Brutosaur mount. Doesn’t even need to be the Caravan Brutosaur. Can be a recolor without the NPCs
- Frostmourne replica
- The mail-kinis that were datamined months ago
- Waist, off-hand, and back items that are class-specific (librams for paladins, totems for shamans, idols for druids, etc)
Finish the dang class sets.
I love them, and for some you can force it into a mog but some, like shaman, don’t match anything.
Gimme the full sets including special backs and even something like weapon effect enchant things.