2022 = WOW supremacy

February is the gaming y’all , wow expansion still too far away

Significant doubt

Nah, you’re drunk

Don’t they normally start drip feeding us info on the new expac a year in advance?
Heck, we barely know anything about the next patch, much less a whole new expansion.
Even if they came out today with the name of the next expansion, it’s 2023 until we actually have it in our hands.
Wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t drop until fall 2023, and if that is the case WoW is dead.
Not dead in the sense that you can’t play it, but dead in the sense of why would you.

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You heavily underestimate how much of an anomaly WoW has been for its entire lifespan. Even a “new low” WoW is still competitive with other big name MMOs, and likely still doing better than them despite the negative connotation the name “WoW” carries in most circles outside of the game these days.

If 10.0 is another iteration of Legion design, that’s when I think we’ll start seeing real problems with people leaving and never coming back. That’d be the longest they’ve stuck to the same design philosophy in the game’s history, and it’s one that’s been pretty massively unpopular since BfA. They got away with it for the most part in Legion since it was new.

3 xpacks seems to be standard so far for shifting directions. We’ll see.

What does this even mean?

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WoW is what every MMO gets compared against due to its impact on the industry.

The MMORPG market in general is declining because its not as profitable as MOBAs, Battle Royales, Looter Shooters, and mobile games which require significantly less investment and time to make. MMORPGs are also a lot more risky as we all know what happened to New World which lost a significant portion of its playerbase in only a few months. A lack of interest by a younger generation of players doesn’t help either.

So we as players are basically stuck comparing and playing MMORPGs that were initially released a decade or more ago. I doubt the MMORPG market will die out entirely, but the genre sure has seen better days.

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I am sorwie I’m not as drunk as I think I am.

Didn’t one of the leaks say that Blizzard was moving WoW to the Destiny model in 10.0. Basically makes it so you have to pay for each patch with a battle pass on top of expansions.

Wrath peak was 12 millions subs. No way in hell it ever gets to that point again, especially now that they only count MAUs.

Sadly, I think Blizzard has moved more towards a mobile game strategy of catering to whales.

9.0 was supposed to save WoW from the crapfest that was BfA. SL even had record breaking sales. People want WoW to be good, desperately. But it ended up a huge disappointment, and many numbers show under 1 million now. A mere shell of its former glory.

I’d be willing to wager 10.0 will be WoW’s final expansion. Game over.


You guys that think wow will end blow my mind. Do you think boosters would be around if there was no one buying boosts? So what does that mean? It means that those tokens are selling :laughing:

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Sounds like wishful thinking.

No 9.3 means there’s a smallest of chances that 10 is out by the end of the year. They would basically have to release 9.2 and the expansion reveal at the same time. Thats bad business.

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someone had way too many drinks at the New Years party lol

10.0 Q4 2022 guaranteed.

They don’t call it Triple A season for nothing (mid sept-mid November) is when most large gaming companies release their new projects.

None of what will happen?!? The OP word buffet made me P my pants and forget who i was for a half hour.

Im still stuck on “truers” :rofl:

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And have said writer constrained by the same edicts as the current staff?

That’s big brain thinking.

at some point the story has to be understood as unsalvageable. I believe it's almost there. They'd be better off with micro stories at this point with no cohesion, no interlocking narrative that serves only to be shadowed by even greater narrative.

bobby will prolly be fired before to long if these scandals keep popping up

and any truer will run out of copium at some point and see the ugly truth

10.0 needs to be a massive hit other wise you won’t see 12M sub coming back. I think new expansion might come out at end of this year. I mean D4 and OW2 have been delay until 2023. I won’t be surprised if WoW gets delayed until next year.

Not a chance wow has been doing a death spiral for years if anything it will be a 4-6month spike then back to slump. No way blizz will ever pass 12-14m players with this dev team.

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