2021 blizzard doesn't own TBC

Private servers do it incredibly successfuly. It’s actually shocking how efficiently they shut down bots.

Blizz could eliminate 99% of bots in one afternoon. They simply have no interest in doing it.


Well yeah, I guess if they just deleted 99% of all accounts in one afternoon.

Tokens, boosts, cash shops… All pretty harmless.

This means they own TBC, it is their game, and you’re just a licensee along for the ride.

You appearantly know nothing about what a greed MMO company looks like, go play anything perfect world has out. If Blizzard was “greedy”

PvP, and Tier sets would be moved from ingame vendors or the tokens removed, and be added to an ingame store, they’d charge you $30 for that armor. No raid’s would drop a mount, that mount would be in the store for $60. They’d turn off talking to the trainer to respec and start selling respec tokens for $10. They wouldn’t have craftable bags in game, they’d instead sell bad slots at 2-4 slots per $10.

Be glad Blizzard isn’t one of the greedy compaines

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Because Private servers attract maybe 1% of the bots that offical servers attract. Quite frankly private server players as seen by many folks are just people who are to cheap to play the real game, and would rather steal it, they are the same kinda folks who walk into a 7-11 and slip snickers bars into their pockets and hope they don’t get caught because why would they pay for something.

lol, Kaplan and Pardo and them didn’t give a hoot what anyone though outside of Blizzard about the game, especially not players. They were hardcore EQ players who were absolutely convinced that they knew better than the average player.


You’ve clearly never played on a pserver a day in your life. Its also a MUCH MUCH smaller environment

I loved PWI until they went to the “cash vacuum” business model.

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