Character Name: Nightvain, Sylvanas Wolf Rider, last of Commander Oedifices Nameless Shadows
- Vall Ridder prior to the Culling of Stratholme when he was a Human.
Race & Class: Undead Rogue
Short description of your character’s personality and backstory:
Once a Cavalry Soldier of Lorderon based on the kingdoms northern border at a Stratholme garrison, then human Vall Ridder had finally accepted his human heritage sharing a humble apartment with his Blood Elf sister Valaora. At the age of three, he had been discovered by a High Elf family on the eastern shores of the then Eversong Woods. Raised by the Ridders, a High Elf family; he took their last name Ridder. Once coming of age, and being encouraged by his Elf family to join his own kind, Vall served faithfully as a Sergeant and then Staff Sergeant in several Lorderon Cavalry and intelligence units until the Culling of Stratholme where he fell with his entire regiment.
Able to save his now undead sister and taking her to Brill to become a Warlock, Nightvain as he was being known by other freed Undead volunteered to serve in the Dark Lady’s service. Answering a call, he served as a Wolf Rider and intelligence agent reporting on Horde activities abroad. Wolf Riders had been a brief attempt by the new powerful Undead to bridge the gap between them and their new Orc allies, but in reality was an intelligence gathering mission from Undercity.
His personality is always of a professional, even after slaying the Lich King, while others celebrated Nightvain humbly reported back to Undercity. Knelt before the Dark Lady and his Paladin General requesting the next assignment while searching for surviving Shadows of Commander Oedifice, another of his kind. Loyalty has replaced that feeling of a human moral code since becoming Undead. Faith in the Light, and human ethical codes; which his adopted brother tried to reteach him after being reunited seemed to have been lost for the time being with the loss of his life and death. The additional loss of Undercity devastated him along with the deaths of so many he’s worked with over the years, veterans, warriors, brothers in Undeath. Nightvain remains quiet and feels lost in the new world before him as he spends a great deal of time watching you and others from the shadows.
Nightvain to this day refuses to turn his back on Lady Sylvanas despite her questionable motives, the Dark Lady rescued him and his sister from the slavery of the Scourge. He will remain faithful to the end.
Presently his ware bouts are unknown, he was last seen with his adopted brother, a Blood Elf Highlord Paladin charging to his Banshee Queen’s scream fighting Alliance forces during the Battle of Undercity.
Does your characters have IC ties to any other ED character (describe)?
None. Returning player (Jan 2020), moved toons here a year ago but didn’t play. I haven’t met anyone on this server yet, just playing solo. Was a Vanilla – Lich King player.
What are your IC goals?
Find a new home for Nightvain, his warlock sister and the Ridder clan. Perhaps monitor Undercity to see if it can ever be saved or recovered. Continue his faithful service to the Dark Lady, even if he’s the last to believe in her he will remain at her side. Figure out what to do as the last remaining Shadow, his commander, a Highlord Paladin has encouraged him to consider training a new team of Shadows to serve in the recovery of Undercity.
Share a favorite RP memory with this character:
On another RP-PVP server, myself and several others were secretly recruited for a Rogue assassination team. No one in our fairly large and successful raiding guild new of it, and if we failed a trail we never heard about it again. Someone would report being ganked, all of us would quietly log on our Rogues and kill everything in the zone the member was questing in, none of them even knew it was us protecting them. We assassinated in Storm Wind, Iron Forge and across Azeroth, Outlands and Northrend. Later when the guy running it wanted to build a second crew of Rogues, Nightvain became one of the trainers, the group was a different name then, so he was the only remaining Shadow of the original team. Very heavy RP with trials in game based on lore (player made quests, riddles, targets, objectives, etc.) To this day I carry all of the objects I recovered in my bag, each with its own story. Nightvain is the last of a group only known to each other as Shadows.
Thanks so much for reading. Hopefully I’ll see you “out there” … or you won’t see me until I’m a cloud of flash powder leaving your dead body.