Character Name: Zalaaji
Race & Class: Jungle Troll Berserker
Short description of your character’s personality and backstory: In the past, Zalaaji stood among the Darkspear in their exile, and their time joining the Horde. When Zalazane betrayed their people, this was the catalyst that led to his undivided loyalty to the Loa of Graves. Without the aid of Bwonsamdi, the Isles would have been lost. Throughout the many wars to later come, Zalaaji sought to further the will of Bwonsamdi at any turn, as did he grow ever closer to the Other Side.
Despite having been born a Darkspear, Zalaaji also does not classify himself as being of any one tribe. To him, Trolls should stand united, and so they shall when they enter Bwonsamdi’s realm. Why should it be any different in death?
That said, he is one to honour his alliances, a reason he still stands firmly loyal to the Horde despite not classifying himself as belonging to any one tribe in spirit. So long as they never make him betray his beliefs, he would be one to never so much as contemplate betraying the Horde.
Although service is what matters most to Zalaaji, he isn’t beyond enjoying himself. Those he is close with, he would gladly share a night of stories, laughs, and drinks with, even if he isn’t one to let himself do such things all the time. In his mind, so long as it isn’t overdone, there is no harm in a bit of enjoyment.
When in battle, Zalaaji could be considered all but a berserker, however. To him, he feels most at home with an axe in his hand, and his foes falling before him. In his mind, Zalaaji serves not only as a servant of death, but also as a harbinger - one who stands waiting to collect for his master.
Does your characters have IC ties to any other ED character (describe)?
His brother, Kurungu. Kuru and him served in quite a few conflicts together, and later went on to co-create the Jakaro Loa.
What are your IC goals?
Zalaaji seeks to further the will of his Loa, to serve in life and in death as a Harbinger of Bwonsamdi. Likewise, he seeks to further knowledge of the Loa proper, and teach others the way of service to the spirits. Teaching others, even outsiders, is a way he views to let him preserve their teachings - allowing for him, and others, to further serve. In the end, whilst Trolls hold the honour of being the first to serve the Loa, he isn’t even opposed to any working in service to the spirits if they honour the teachings well.
Share a favorite RP memory with this character.
Without a doubt, my favourite memory with this guy would be having taught a Sin’dorei about the various way of worshipping the Loa, aiding her in her journey to follow Halazzi. Seeing such a scene was just fantastic, as well as was it a tipping point for Zalaaji’s character evolution; something that sparked his interest in not only teaching outsiders about the Loa but even his willingness to train those with the will to partake in such a path to better serve these ancient spirits.