20 year anniversary

It’s got to be epic. More epic than watching this in 2001. A trip through each zone. A very abridged Loremaster.

An arcade machine with WC3 in the capital city. Fireworks. Rainbows. Rock concerts with raid bosses. I’m excited already.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


The grand opening of a casino in Ironforge. And free transmog changes, a special trial of style and a new garrison. :slight_smile:


Refunds of every single dollar spent on subscription fees for any and all accounts that were active before tbc and are still active today ( because before tbc it was just the original “vanilla “ game)


Ps. For the easily upset folks RELAX it’s just a little sarcastic humor to tie into the average daily theme on the forums.


I have been begging for something like this in WoW ever since I learned about SC2 having a similar feature. Would be awesome if I could bring my character to go play Orcs & Humans or WC2 right in SW at a Gnome or Mechagnome run arcade or people could build Warcraft themed games.

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I want a trip to Blizz HQ for being an active paying subscriber for 20 straight years. That wouod be cool.


You’ll get a 20% exp boost and some fireworks and you’ll like it.


Based on that Pirate’s Day holiday saddle costing 50k gold…

I don’t think the WoW devs want people to enjoy the game without ‘working for it’ first, lol.

Games are supposed to just be fun.

Also, I’ve already seen some datamining that suggests we’ll just be getting the same stuff as every other year- Doomwalker boss, some loot, and this time a blue deathwing mount recolor.

It’s okay, but imo, still very lackluster for what is a 20th anniversary.

I certainly don’t believe this dev team can give us anything exciting on short notice anyway.

Balance is bad, the patch events have been flops (mostly, I’d say Time Rifts were good) and there’s RMT rampant throughout the game.

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From that video, it looks like in 2001 one could hide pants.

(Either that or they hadn’t created orc leg armor yet…) :laughing:



Knowing this current Dev team, it will be raid or dungeon focused and if you don’t like that type of content, there will be minimal fun during the event. Hate to be a pessimist, but this current Dev team has shown so little care for open world content and it’s players, I can’t see them making fun open world content for a 20th anniversary event.

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You haven’t seen any datamining relating to the 20th anniversary. It’s still over a year away. Hell, in all likelihood we’ll be into the new expansion by then.


What Mag said. That datamining was for the 19th anniversary.

Anyways, even though Satan is probably right, I want more than fireworks and 20% experience buff. I’ve been playing/paying this damn game for 20 years so they better give me something good.

I’m going to say it… I’M ENTITLED TO A GOOD PRESENT


Lol forgot that’s next year, whoops.

19 years is still something though, damn does time fly.


this game is old and still fun for many regardless of how trash it is now lol

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Wouldn’t 20th anniversary be next year? 2024 - 20 = 2004

So that would mean this year is the 19th anniversary, so I’m guessing there won’t be any “special” reward. Definitely curious to see what they roll out for the 20th anniversary though, 20 years is a big deal - that’s 2 decades :flushed:

As a side-note, just realizing it’s been almost 20 years since the game came out makes me feel old. My goodness, we’re getting old boys :sweat_smile:

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I look forward to picking WoW up from the bars in 2025.

I think the new xpack will align with the anniversary and we get Cata 2.0 with a full world revamp. That in itself would be huge aside from an event.

As far as an event, idk what they could do to properly satisfy 20 years. I wouldn’t expect too much out of one.

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I still remember seeing this on G4 on old show portal god this sold me…

and if you zoomer and so forth don’t know what portal was or G4 tv it was for better but still I was at time young hope to see game show up on this show:

But truth be told it was south park really sold me back in day:


I want Blizzard to send someone to my home to sing the whole Warlords of Dreanor OST acapella.

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It’s true, DF has only been about dungeons and raids and they refuse to make open world content for players all expansion.

I hope it’s like the 15 year one but, better! Fighting through specific points in different raids was quite fun! Ignoring the cowards who fled when they couldn’t bring down that one guy from Naxxramas!


Is such a bummer for things like this. It’d be fun if Blizz could pull off huge surprises for 20.

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