20-Person Raiding in Molten Core

It was stated in the Phase 4 Launch video that Molten Core could be completed with up to 40-players. Please stick to your word and revert the changes made. If not, please be clearer moving forward.

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if true this is another good reason why classes should be left mostly alone

please do something for PvP

I would explain, but if you are having trouble with heat 1, you probably won’t understand.

Finely tuned for who?

Back in Vanilla, content was not made for you. You stayed home. It was finely tuned, and not tuned for you.

Be careful what you wish for bub.

No, not really it’s an old code and they have to be mindful of said code when messing with it.

Sounds like you need a new PC.

i work with code :expressionless: not letting >20 people inside an instance shouldn’t be difficult.

I also work with code, and old code can be wonkey.

Also Blizzard works with code and a bug clearly happened that they did fix but also didn’t expect.

Poor decision. Having to bench 2-3 on raid roster each week is terrible. Stealth fixing it on week 2, and then announcing it the following week is slow communication. The challenge is still there with 22 people in the raid and no extra loot, don’t see what the big deal is with leaving it on. It is a weekly activity that would like to get everyone included in and not exclude a couple of people each week to bench.

He’s just the latest of rando’s with nothing better to do than cry about SoD’s success. :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

No one in their right mind cares.
20 or less people = ranked
21+ people = not ranked ?

It’s all bout the gear. The only blue green purple etc we want to see is on gear.

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If your going to flex raid, why not just make it 10man with flex options of more, lots of people enjoy 10man raiding

Bring 40 instead of 20 and you’ll be fine. If you can’t clear with 20, the group is clearly incompetent and needs the EZ mode 40 man.

10 man isn’t raiding :expressionless: it’s just a bigger dungeon group

But their parses!!!

the parsers and speed runners do? the hardcore players, the semi hardcore, and some semi casual players care about logs, calling people “not in their right mind” because they dont want to play as slowly as you do is incredibly selfish and self-centered.

Its also disappointing that you cant read, and just want to completely get rid of logs instead of a easy compromise for multiple different types of players.

nobody cares about logs. that’s what you entertain yourself with when you’re uberburnedout.

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it’s true :expressionless: you have to be like, so burned out with everything to care about muh parse logs

80k people care ¯_(ツ)_/¯