20-Person Raiding in Molten Core

you can’t have your cake and eat it too :expressionless: if you want “20+” it should just be 40 mans.

This beargers dude is having a rough time convincing everyone else XD

lol, SoD is most certainly not a “sequel” :expressionless:

You aren’t though. You’re supposed to go play Retail. Classic+ is for players tired of the new stuff, fans of how Vanilla WoW felt. Bringing back old school style prog with the boys.

2019 was the no changes version of Vanilla that was like Vanilla in form but not in function as the spirit was corrupted by private server meta-gaming. SoD and Classic+ are intended as a return to the spirit of Vanilla. And lest anyone forget, only 1% of players cleared Naxx so this dad narrative is just false.

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Doesnt help that his ideal argument is “everyone else is wrong because im special and therefore right”

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Wow your anecdotal experience surely must represent the reality for everyone else. What amazing intelligent thoughts!

We demand 50 man raids, actually 55 so we dont have to bench anyone

Can we just stop with all of the hard modes? Just finely tune one version of the raid without artificial P2W elements like mandatory resistances. This is not in the spirit of Classic nor is it how resistances were intended to work.

Resists should make you tankier, not be a pre-req to enter the raid. People are paying over a thousand gold just to raid Molten Core… what a complete joke.

Hard modes do not belong in Classic or Classic+. If you want that type of content, it’s freely available in Retail or Cata. If you want a challenge in Classic, complete the raid with 10 players or under 30 minutes.

Just add this function to MC now. There is literally no argument for why locking MC at 20 man is a better system than allowing 20-40 people into a raid other than “It’s what the devs said they were going to do”.

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WCL parse brain rot. Why do mechanics when I can just pump and get a 99 with my 100% DMG uptime?

have fun recruiting when the inevitable late BWL / AQ attrition kicks in and everyone can just be the 21st person in their raid instead of looking for a permanent spot in a different guild.

Hope you all have huge benches right now

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revert the bug, and invalidate logs for people that bring more than 20 players. Easy fix.

You cant just say theres no possible way to make MC 20man, after we just had it on flex as the only issue was that logs were heavily skewed because of it.

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Thats such a lie, how can addittional mechanics in Heat 1 be easier than the tank and spank nature of og MC?

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He’s probably trying to say because it’s SoD which isn’t really much of an argument. OG Molten Core bosses were target dummies and when on farm bosses died in 30 seconds.

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I agree, its funny they think they need to.

Someone never beat The baron before the girls sacrificed…

Ever taken on drakk with his adds?

Theres plenty to hard mode with. 40 druids vs ony comes to mind.

It just wasnt baked in. People did these things.

Dire maul literally has chest run that simplistically can be called a hard mode.

This is another example, yes.

That’s what made Classic Vanilla a unique video game. The developers did not tell us how to play the game, but kept the game an accessible sandbox playground for everyone.

The encounter designers did not intend for their to be barrier to entries for Molten Core. If you went in with no fire resistance and low stamina, sure, you would probably die. But the fact is you could and you could have your geared friends carry you to get some items.

Over the years private server and Classic players have found Molten Core to be too easy and boring. But they continue to find ways to make it exciting by creating their own custom hard modes. Run it with 1/2 players so you and your friends get more loot. Try and clear it completely deathless or under 30 minutes.

Hard modes in Classic set a bad precedent because once a certain ground of players get used to it, they will never want to run the normal raid. They will expect to have extra rewards every raid tier because they have more time to play and have bought more gold.

I was simply referring to Hard Modes as content designed by the devs. Like Ulduar’s optional mechanics. I like HMs for Wrath and Cata, but not for Classic/+

AV works just fine.

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40 people fighting at the same time, never happens.

Just 30v30 would turn into a small wintergrasp lag fiesta

Ahenvale/stv worked just fine