20-Person Raiding in Molten Core

if you start altering the way you play in order to be “qualified for parse logs” then there’s a problem :expressionless:

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they don’t care. they just participate.

no one said you had to alter the way you had to play, if you wanted to be the hunter that spams only serpent sting the entire raid who am i to stop you?

If your a low performer and want to raid with people that are high performing and want to put out high parses, the yes, you would be expected to perform well, otherwise just dont go to those runs.

You Have A Choice. NOT Everyone wants to be subpar/Low performers and vice versa and thats fine.

Imagine caring about logs in 2024. Content is ez.

Not for Some people.

Keep the 20 man size i enjoy it very much with bosses dropping 4 pieces of loot i see us getting decently geared withing next 4 weeks but i would ask try to add a flex mechanic into future raids we have bout 5 extra people who want to raid that are extras that join us on WBS/ony farm but cant in MC

If you do implement a flex system, keep it to H1 and H2 and adjust gear to compensate. Keep H3 at 20 so difficulty can be balanced.

The developers did tell us how to play the game much more explicitly than they do now. If you were a warrior, you were a tank. Period. If you were a Shaman or Pally, you were a healer. Period. Bear tank was not a thing. The itemization and other systems of the game did not accommodate all of the different specs we have now. If you wanted to raid MC or Ony, you had to grab 40 people. Raiding was much more elitist back then, too. Guilds and players weren’t too charitable with others. Sure, the top 10-15 players in each guild definitely carried the rest of the raid, but they didn’t often allow PuGs or scrubs in the raids, especially in BWL and beyond.

I think hard modes are fine in the game, but I do agree that power creep and the obsession with logs is a problem, as is gold buying.

Because what else can they do?
And they are not the majority.

Looks to me like people who have the gear “now let’s see how fast I can get it done”
And that wouldn’t cross their mind if there was something else worth doing.

So, to reiterate no one in their right mind cares about parsing

Just bring it back rn. You guys have been messing up too often and not listening to the majority of the community. Need to start doing in game questions on changes. Listening to the 0.1% of the player base is dumb af.

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Make all heats flex. No reason to block players from heat 3.

yeah I agree

STV was a lagging mess on the lowest pop server dude and ashenvale bosses were bugging out due to lag

How about fixing pvp?

Never seen a pug wipe on ony. These lvl 60 raids have easier mechanics than ST did so idk how much easier you want things to be. Just tank and spank?

Think of the 20 man limit as MC is actually a 15 man and you can bring up to 5 more people.

Finally! A post with some common sense! And I’m 5 days too late! (lol)