20% of the WoW Community Council banned?

General Discussion…the forum for half truth’s, assumptions, and hyperbole.

It is the reader who has to weed through it all and decide what’s true, false, half true, or half false.

Many don’t do that though. They either accept it as the whole truth and spread the rumor because they need to be outraged about whatever subject is being talked about.

Once shown the error of their ways, then then get angry and try to change the subject and argue with whomever proved them wrong.

Some quietly disappear back to their video watching and interpretations right or wrong and wait until another anger inducing subject pops up.

I love these posts, makes for an awesome popcorn reading time. Especially on Sunday’s.
Although Saturdays are a close 2nd. :stuck_out_tongue:


This right here.

You don’t want to have to wade through hours of criticism but there’s no other way to parse what the community cares about.

And I’d go further in cementing what I’ve said for years now. Class design is the biggest problem with the game today. It colors everything negative when the class you like is not fun to play.

As I said years ago in BFA, you can’t for example have encounters that require constant movement and classes that can’t move at all! I know this is an extreme view but it happens and it shouldn’t.


Ah yes, the words from a streamer who’s existence is to feed off drama and hyperbole and people take it as fact.

Now that they kicked out the guy that made 50% of the threads…the silence is going to make it even more obvious



What part is not factual?


Blizzard doesn’t care one bit about what the council says. It was just a PR move. The devs in control will NEVER listen to players. They’re too arrogant and stubborn to take any criticism into account when designing the game.

Just look how we’re on our 3rd expansion of crappy convoluted borrowed power garbage. Expect more of the same in 10.0.

  • The title of his video. They did not remove or “ban” 20% of the Council. he did clarify in his video that despite the title, he meant the person generated 20% of the posts. Some here felt that was good, others on GD had commented on what felt like spam.
  • The number of people removed. It was one. The other person was never on the Council and was never removed.

The person removed from the Council is also not banned from the forums or game. I realize people use the term “ban” to mean lots of things though. In this case being clear is best.


So he clarified, yet it is hyperbole?

I have never watched the guy. He seems like he would be more annoying than entertaining but he seems to have a lot of followers.

This community council seems to be like when my wife asks me for my opinion. (I’m the community council in this analogy)

Yes, the title is hyperbole. It is common for people (and companies) to use misleading titles and unfortunately some people only read the title. They don’t watch the video or read the article. It ends up spreading false information.

The second point still stands as well. There was a second guest making the false claim they were on the Council and removed. Neither Asmongold or Pros corrected that.

I guess last, the person is not banned from the forums or game. Again, I don’t really take much issue with that term. It is exaggerated but people tend to call any action a ban so most know it likely is not a real actual kick from the game.


Is pros the guy who was kicked off? I refuse to watch an Asmongold video because as I said, he seems like he would be really annoying.

The prosident guy was definitely not a yes man lol but he did get shafted


Correct. The basic facts are laid out here. I was responding to him saying he made no mistakes. He responded acknowledging what I stated as the actual background. Formatting is better if you click it. It has a quote from his original post advertising his discord which shows oddly on the preview.

I can’t comment on what went on between him and Blizz though as I have no way to see that and Blizz does not discuss it.

It’s really funny how GD threw a fit because a CC linked their twitch account one time. But is now defending a guy who promoted an unmoderated discord that was infested with racists and morons and now he’s a hero.


Yeah, one person who is a small streamer put the twitch in the Intro thread. GD got upset they were promoting themselves. The person removed the link and apologized to GD. That is why I can’t figure out how the promotion of the Discord was not stopped by Blizz or even GD outcry from the start.

But is now defending a guy who promoted an unmoderated discord that was infested with racists and morons and now he’s a hero.

Oh don’t worry, there’s been leaks of him being extremely racist already and they’ll still defend him. I can’t link to it unfortunately as it’s pretty extreme. On top of him bragging about being racist. xd


Somehow fitting that the community council got a racist trade chat troll on it somehow lmao

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So are these leaks from years ago like he claims in the video?

It is not news that there are bigots amongst us, we just don’t see it as much.

Sp did he decide to stop being a bigot before being made a CC member?

Why are you asking me?