20% Ice Lance buff coming in 8.3

I’d be willing to go back to it if they make orb baseline and return missiles to a stacking proc that connects with charges.

Don’t think they will though.


If the 20% buff only effects the magic damage coefficient and is unaffected by talents and essences the buff will hardly be noticed.

That would make this change almost insulting.


Dunno. According to the mage discord, the Frozen Orb build is simming higher than fire apparently.

This is coming from one of the mages in my guild. I don’t have a first hand account myself.

If it’s true though, that would put 2 mage specs right up there for damage … so I find it hard to believe to be true lol.

I hope you’re right.

LOL. Frost will not even come close to Fire.

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Just going by what the other mage in my guild said.

The concern I have maining fire for the rest of this expansion is fire is only performing well right now due to Lucid Dreams and Mechagon bracers. When those go away, will fire go back to it’s medicore mid-meters status?

While I’m not happy not being able to play Arcane anymore, I was in the top 3 DPS for our raid run last night. Got a shout out from our RL. Was only slightly behind our rogue and hunter.

Gotta say: haven’t been complimented on my dps since Legion. Felt kinda good, won’t lie.

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Aedred, how are Lucid Dreams and Mechagon bracers going away before 9.0?

Essences are staying, and with Mechagon going to M+ you will be able to get much higher iLvl bracers (potential for 465 if you complete +15 or better).

Do agree it is a concern for 9.0 fire.

Sorry … I meant with the new expansion.

Though the thought of going into next tier still sporting 415 bracers wasn’t something I cheered about but likely they’re going to be mandatory for mages for the rest of the expansion given what they do for them. True, with mechagon gear dropping from M+ runs that won’t be an issue if RNGesus blesses you.

I’m going frost for next tier. The arcane dream is dead and I just couldn’t get the hang of fire in M+ runs. Granted, I’m hitching my wagon to the 20% buff to Ice Lance. If I can’t pull decent numbers for progression I’ll likely go back to Fire till progression is over.

You are better off playing a spec you are comfortable with, chances are you’ll do better and see better numbers as that spec…hence why i’m staying frost…

Aedred, are you going frozen orb build? Pisses me off that standard GS and using FoF is not better than No IL.

My hope is that 9.0 makes Brain Freeze a 2 charge spell with a cool down to regain charge (credit to Kuni) and we get back 3 charges of FoF (reduce munching).

It’ll depend on what gear I get. I need shoulders with Packed Ice. There’s a set in the raid but I’ve only killed Mythic Beheometh once and didn’t get them.

I’ll be rolling the dice with residuum on Tuesday and hope to get one of the shoulders with it. I have a 450 head with FF and PI and a 450 chest with PI and White Out but I lost alot of residuum flip flopping between specs (constantly going back to try arcane which I always was and trying out Fire for a while). Here’s hoping RNGesus is on my side.

I’m hoping to. I like the build as far as not being beholden to GS. It’s a fun, fast paced build. While it’s fun seeing GS crit for 200k+, it’s maddening sitting with GS ready waiting for a Brain Freeze proc.

Still, at worst, I’m hoping the Ice Lance buff means the standard GS rotation will replace the no-IL build. I hate the no-IL way of playing. You’re just spamming frost bolt and then GS. It feels as boring to play as arcane does.

Without a rework to classes, I figure I’m best to stay with frost. I know what I’m doing and next expansion when arcane still has it’s core issues and fire loses Lucid Dreams and Mechagon bracers, I figure frost will be the most viable imo.


I don’t play much frost, but I think giving FoF a 0 or 0.5 base GCD would be a better way to incentivize IL use.

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Rolling the dice on residuum today. Hope to get PI on shoulders … or luck out in a Mythic EP pug and get the shoulders to drop off Behemoth.

I play frost mage in M+ (16+ keys). Atm at 44k dps overall. IL is always my second top damga ability, i really dont see how a 20% more dmg to it is a bad buff ??.

I don’t think anyone is saying it’s a bad buff. Just unknown right now if it will make the standard rotation viable or if the no-IL build will still be the go-to in using GS.

People talking raids more than keys, I mean.


Idk, I trust the bois on Altered Time and they’re saying GS is edging out standard still by 3%. It could be more if you factor in the fact you’re gonna be using IL in the no-IL build during movements anyway to keep damage up. Although, FO is beating out no-IL based on the latest sims.

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Yeah I saw that too. I’m hopeful. I like the Orb build.

Got my 450 shoulders. I’m set. 3 PI, 1 FF, 1 WO, and 1 Frigid Grasp (choice was that or Glacial Assault).


It doesn’t matter either way which build is better. NoIL GS or frozen orb IL. The 20% buff to Ice lance was nice to see some sort of change. But as it stands frost is still significantly behind fire and will require much more than just 20% buff to Ice lance.

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It’s just unfortunate that they didn’t have the foresight to create something like the bracers and the Lucid Dreams essence that had an impact on Frost or Arcane the way they do for Fire.

Still, knowing the devs like we think we do, they likely see it as a victory for them that they made at least one mage spec a top performer. To hell with the other two lol.

Honestly I think that would make Frost even worse, at least from a more casual perspective. I don’t have time to farm gear, and I haven’t run a dungeon in months. I don’t even know if I did mechagon.

I would hate to have the only somewhat enjoyable spec (this includes Priest, Warlock and Shaman specs) be ruined by a need to have very specific items. If Frost started requiring RoP I’d straight up cancel my sub until (maybe) 9.1.5 when Blizz might look at balancing.

To be honest though, Blizz should have seen this coming 6 years ago. Frost has had problems with scaling in every single expansion since they changed the spec in Throne of Thunder.

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