2 suspension for 1 month

Hello! About a month ago i’ve got a suspension for my account’s, applied appeal and after one week of waiting GM apologized and told me that it was automated suspension and overturn my suspension. Now 3 week’s later i’m getting another suspension, but this time i’ve got refused with my appeal. I actually don’t get the reason, i was not using any programs for automatization any WOW account’s or any automatization for the process, broadcasting software and i definitely wasn’t violate any of rules of your policy. There is only 1 thing was changed after previous suspension, i downloaded 2 addons from the curseforge. I do not understand what should i do now and which rule since last suspension i was able to violate… Lifetime of this account’s 2+ years of playing, before there was not any issue’s with them at all.

All you can do is keep apealing till they tell you no more apeals wont be heard that being said were not allowed to discuss account actions other then to tell you to apeal.

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“Future contacts about this penalty may go unanswered”- Such a response in the ticket is frightening=(

When you were suspended a second time, you would have gotten a new email explaining the category of the suspension. What did it say? Was it different than the category of the first suspension?

"Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software

Blizzard Entertainment has suspended this World of Warcraft account after identifying the usage of bots or other cheat software.

These programs (commonly called cheats, bots, or hacks) automate certain aspects of gameplay, or provide unintended advantages and abilities to the player. This type of cheating undermines other players’ experience and severely upsets the balance of the game environment." - Same as the first time

Since we do not allow discussion of disciplinary actions on the forums, I’m going to close this topic. However, I did want to provide some insight into the process that your account and your tickets have gone through.

To be clear, the suspension you initially encountered in October was not automated. A human did review the action taken. However, when you appealed the suspension a second look gave them reason to reconsider it and the decision was made to lift the suspension.

Then, earlier this month we announced a change in policy:


A week or so later, an email was sent to you in order to warn you about this policy update.

Following that warning, it appears as though the behavior was ongoing and so the account was suspended.

Upon your appeal of this new suspension, the information was reviewed once more by multiple individuals. The initial information was found to be accurate so your appeal was declined.

I’m sorry, but we will not be able to assist with this further over the forums.