2 questions before we start remix today

Step it up a notch, create a trial account that has max level 20 and create an army of holy priests - you cannot do raid conteent but you can do thee daily dungon and scenario on both normal and heroic every day - a 20 holy priest will basically 1 shot most mobs in them with a single holy nova - bosses generally cast holy fire + holy nova.

You can link these accounts to your paid full account and they will share mounts, transmogs, heirlooms, achievements. For th purposes of earning easy and fast bronze to buy mounts its amazing.

Already have a WoW account

You can have up to 8 World of Warcraft accounts in the same Blizzard account.

You can add new accounts through your [Games & Subscriptions] Account Management page.

The next time you launch the Battle.net App, use the drop-down menu on top of the PLAY button to select the World of Warcraft account you want to log into.

Lifestorm meta gem
Searing Light tinker
Sprint for cogwheel
The rest of the tinker gems at level 20 dont mean anything as things will die fast. Focus on getting items in every slot, if the item is blue keep it in that slot as they have main stat (greens just have stam) - spend bronze on upgrading any blue items you get to as high as you can.

As for wanted stats - move speed gems are bis beecause the chance that you will hit a dh with 280% move speed and can get to and kill the last boss before you loot the first is very high. Holy priest mastery interacts very nice with the searing light gem, turning your healing + mastry hot healing into raw damage should anything live long enouhg for it to proc.

How is your experience going a week in? Thereā€™s not a whole lot of us spouse duos and our experience always seems to be dramatically different from those who only play solo or even different from those playing with a friend.

how odd - after 6 days OP has no remix achievements

he has no remix achievements on that account

The other guy posted some of the ā€œtechnicalā€ aspects, but heā€™s min/maxingā€¦ its hard to go wrong on a Holy Priest while youā€™re leveling, itā€™s OP as long as your finger knows where the Holy Nova button isā€¦ i will say something he missed for a new Remix player with a Holy Priest.

From your start at lvl-10 through your 40s you will feel like a Godā€¦ at 25+ you can carry noob 70s in raids and make them look useless.

Your power will start waning as you hit 50s, but you can still take care of businessā€¦ thenā€¦

60sā€¦ ya, well documented, 60s suck, fresh noob 70 sucksā€¦ but thatā€™s how it is for everyone, nothing you can do about that but level your gear out of the sewers after 70 like everyone else.

But in a nutshell, most of the time youā€™re leveling you are a broken Godā€¦ make sure you hit Mogushan Vaults as soon as you hit 25ā€¦ you can carry the raid!