2 questions before we start remix today

Simply put, if you just want to make toons that you do not want to keep for the sake of reaching 70, buying mogs then making another toon you don’t care about there’s one answer and one answer only…


No, seriously, nothing, and I mean NOTHING is more broken (in your favor) then a Holy Priest in leveling… and nothing could be easier than simply spamming one button… Holy Nova. Single shot entire villages with Holy Nova from lvl 10 to about lvl 50 or so… probably two shots for lvl 50, then like everyone else, you become a wuss from 60-something to 70 (Remix scaling is a mess, all classes are nearly useless from 60 to fresh 70).

To be honest, Holy Priest is so broken in leveling, you can solo Raids and Dungeons in the low level Holy Priest mode (say 20-40 easily)… that’s how OP it is.

Do what you want of course, but there’s nothing more broken in the game right now then a leveling Holy Priest.

Oh, and this is someone who mains DK, and plays every other class… i’m NOT putting in my personal “I love priests, so I’m going to plug my favorite class”… i’m also not basing this on what’s the OP class in Retail, because this isn’t retail, and i’m not basing this on an item level 576 lvl 70… what I say above is based on LEVELING a toon in Remix, which is what you say you want to do… anyone saying “oh do a DK” or “go do a DH” is either biased or hasn’t compared it to a Holy Priest in leveling. I’ve leveled all of them in Remix… while you are leveling… nothing, and I mean NOTHING comes close to a Holy Priest in power while you’re leveling… including DKs and DHs.

You get this alot with people with DHs as their avatar… odd that… but they’re not addressing the question… these people want to LEVEL to 70, ditch, then start over… we’re not talking about “gearing” toons, we’re talking about LEVELING. Anyone and I mean ANYONE recommending DH is either talking because they main and love DHs and/or because they’ve never touched a Holy Priest for 5 seconds during Remix.

I’ve done DH’s, DK’s and Monk’s during remix as well… and simply put, the Holy Priest blows them all away by miles while leveling.

It’s a married couple… tell you what… give the wife a Holy Priest and the husband a DH… tell me at the end of the day who’s winning. I don’t need to come back for the answer.

If you’re actually playing together, 2 Havoc DH, 245% mastery, then work on getting crit up. Make sure you spec all magic into chaos, for Mastery. You’ll both be fast n wreck everything.

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100% yes do a tank and healer combo for instant queues. I think Demon Hunter, monk and priest seem to be very strong… but really anything will end up super OP thats the point of the mode.

As a male healer main, this presumption is pretty offensive. It could easily be the other way around.


Healers are redundant at 476.

I suggest you and your wife play whatever you both enjoy. Id you do dailies for 5 days with no farming you can max your gear. I strongly recommend maxing gear before buying any of the items. I bought every single reward after gear. I have only played casually after first two weeks. I am now just leveling alts on my second account. Gear makes it massively easier to farm bronze.

When you start doing dungeons, do not have auto loot on. All boss loot is mailed. I recommend not looting. Clear all the experience gain threads and all the junk. Save the bonus XP till about lvl 42, and approximately 320% bonus XP on cloak. At this point if you have done the first 3 raids, and slammed heroics. You will instantly hit 70 at the mail box.

It’s worth your while to play healer DPS or tank DPS for the instant cue. If you truly want to midmax, you will get the most return from this. Gives you 1 minute heroic cues. Spam heroics. As I said do not loot the bonus XP. Save it. It’s worth more once you have upgrade the XP gain on your cloak.

Aside from dailies kill all the world bosses, they give you bonus XP gain threads. Rares also have a chance to drop bonus XP gain.

Have fun! Hope you get all the stuff you want

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The other thing you can do is make a trial account and a timerunner holy priest. The lvl 20 holy priest can do about 3 mil DPS and solo everything. One of you just goes on follow and the priest zergs heroics. You can carry yourself a to 70 following the stray I mentioned above.

I like every class, but not every spec, and obviously some more than others, so there’s a ranking.


I can’t do rogue. I have a rogue from the insane, props to those who can rogue. It’s not for me

If they don’t do group content, they won’t reach that point before the event ends.

I did the holy priest thing when people were first raving about it. It’s not a big enough difference to sacrifice something that is actually fun to play. From what I’ve seen the best thing about holy priest is level 20 twinks. Later in levels and gear, I don’t ever see them bring that much more powerful.


  1. it IS a massive difference when a low level Holy Priest can literally solo raids by himself, you can’t do that on other classes
  2. This post is about LEVELING, not max level content (any class can be great at max level), while leveling, nobody comes close to a Holy Priest
  3. “fun to play”… oh, I didn’t know you now speak for EVERYBODY… “fun to play” is incredibly personal for each individual, and you do not speak for everyone in what is “fun”.

They asked questions about what toon to level for the sake of leveling… they will not keep these toons… I gave a well thought response to their question and their circumstance… just because you’re stuck on what you think is fun or max level content, has nothing to do with the question they asked.

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Still required to meet the dungeon requirements for qued content, a massive source of bronze per day. Play something that has the option to heal, but build it in a way understanding that healing others isnt needed so its purpose is to mass rez and deal damage/buff the group.

Did you enjoy your time?

If you read my whole post, I did clearly say that it was worthwhile to abuse the tank or healer cue at higher level.

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I may have beeen using your statement as a means of pointing out that they arent completely redundent, not correcting you.

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Mythic SoO is one tank and 19 DPS. Healers can do steady DPS so they are not useless, they just won’t be healing. Tinkers and leech pretty much keep everyone healed as long as they are dpsing. You can’t heal stupid under any circumstances, so if someone dies to avoidable mechanics, that’s on them lol


You can run a healer that will also do large damage via gem setups, you can run a healer using RF gem if the raid understands its limitations and gains - 7% perma haste that doesnt suffer from DR is a gain, its just not that useful. RF also allows gem builds that buff your main stat based on the amount of hp you have lost giving HUGE gains. Just requires thought, much more thought and planning that any group in remix i have seen.

It’s so much easier to just say DPS to everyone. I don’t really care how someone achieves that damage, just kill things faster please.

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Going to make a holy priest today. Any advice like what stats and gems etc? Haven’t played remix yet but this sounds fun :slight_smile: