2 questions before we start remix today

Wife and I finally have a few days off and we are going to spend some time in Remix. Quite a bit if we enjoy it.

We just want to do our own thing as a duo and not queue for any group stuff.

So our questions:

  • Is there a “tier list” of specs for getting through and farming MOP. Not like some streamers video list, just from your experience or are they all pretty much the same.

  • Should we do Tank/Healer, Tank/DPS, DPS/DPS etc

“play what you like” isn’t relevant because we like them all… we WOULD like to maximize our time if possible by having the right setup so figured I would ask here.

End goal is all Mounts and then MOG’s

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If you don’t want to queue with random players, tank/healer isn’t going to matter, but you can solo all the instances eventually, so, I don’t know, perhaps choose classes that can do good damage but also heal/have threat?

So you do not want to keep these characters after the event is over? This will be important to what classes you choose - if you want to heal/tank, not all classes can.

I’ve loved my BM hunter, I love them in retail also. My husband just started 2 days ago on a pally - prot - he’s enjoying it, he hasn’t played in several years.

Best of luck to you both, still plenty of time to play with certain classes to find the right fit for your team.


There are two ways to farm Bronze:

  1. Get to level 70, get in raids, upgrade your gear. You’ll need to spend probably 400k+ to get “good” no matter what your class. Playing as a fresh 70 is miserable. You are squishy and beyond worthless regardless of your class or spec; or

  2. Get to 70 and get enough threads (for your cloak) to get the Infinite Power XII achievement so new alts start with +100% XP. Then you level alts to 70 for Bronze. It now takes under 3 hours to level a fresh alt to 70 and you end up with 85-90k Bronze. It will take you awhile with the gear upgrade method to comfortably be able to farm similar Bronze.

When fully geared (ilvl 476 with ilvl 556 armor) your class almost doesn’t matter. You are so overpowered that people will go clear Heroic raids with 10 whatever. Some people will stick to a 1/1/8 (1 tank, 1 healer, 8 dps) comp) but I’d probably only do this for Mythic SoO. Healers become unnecessary, basically.

So the only class advice I’d give is play something with a DPS spec that you like. Paladins, Monks and Druids have great role flexibility, for example. Tank/healer will make it faster to queue dungeons when levelling but tanks are the bottleneck so as long as one of you is a tank you’ll queue faster.

But the content is so easy at a certain point it really is “play what you like” and I can tell you having geraed to 476, absolutely nobody is choosing meta specs in raid comps. ilvl is all that matters.


We both said no, we just want the MOG’s and Mounts so were considering our only retail specs to play to make sure the MOG’s actually get used… but knowing us once we delve into them and level them to 70 we will be attached to them.

Sounds about right :smile:

And if you each have room on your account, what is it, 65 characters now we can have?

No harm in holding on to them, that’s what I’m going to do, I’ve levelled around 5/6/7 I can’t remember alts so far, but I’ve only geared one, the rest were Bronze collectors, then they buffed that Bronze, now I think I can get everything on one toon.

I say just test the waters, find what fits for you both, but as a duo. As I said, plenty of time left to try a few, with the buffs, you can reach the goal with time left over.


I would choose something you dont normally play, so when it ends and your main spec plays so drastically it doesnt feel like trash.

I’ve geared a Ret Paladin and having a lot of “oh sh*t” buttons definitely helps during the gearing process, and at max it feels good to play in both single target and trash fights.


This is what my husband and I are doing. We have 2 remix alts that are remix “mains”. They’re the ones gearing up and all their bronze, right now, is going into that. (first suggestion). I started a week ago, and already can solo normals without thinking about it. Got into a great community of players. Laid back, chill, and very helpful. Hoping by early next week I can be soloing heroics so I can help pull others fresh 70’s/alts through.

(second suggestion) I am leveling alts that their only goals are to get to 70 and get the mogs and mounts with bronze. I picked alts that I don’t already have a 70 of on my server. So when it’s over, I will, hopefully, have at least one 70 of each class before TWW drops.

eta - Forgot to add, with the alts: I hand down prismatic gems that main does not use (so armor, speed, leech). Plus with the power of the cloak, makes moving through zones easy peasy. If you’re wanting to do LFG dungeons, I highly recommend loading alts with speed because there are a lot of speed demons out there bum rushing dungeons and one shotting bosses. You don’t want to be locked out of bosses.


  • Boss loot that you have credit for the kill will be mailed to you, so don’t worry about having to loot bosses and keeping up.
  • You cannot mail anything.
  • You can’t trade the meta, tinker, and cog gems to anyone, but you can trade the prismatics to each other to hand off to an alt.
  • Finish zones for the bonus bronze and threads you get from it.
  • Wowhead and Icy Veins both have good write ups for the classes and gems.

DH and Monk are the two classes that tend to stand above the rest when equally geared, i know for DHs it’s because of the lack of Mastery cap.

All classes are great, all classes scale well and are fun, but omg I love this DH

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Wowhead has guides for eeach spec but they arent updateed and gemo combos are left underwhelming. A tier list does not exist from what im aware of.

I can tell you that all classes and specs are capable of completing all content in remix.

Tank+healer can be nice for a combination while leveling but its not needed to complete content at the higher levels because the amount of stats and gem combos basically negate the need for a healer. 1 tank and 1 healer is usually brought to Mythic SoO for example - tank so its easy to hold threat (prvents bosses from running all over the place), healer to mass rez anyone that died. Any combination of dps will do - it doesnt matter.

Now there is some great class and spec combos. Druid is great for leveling and can swap specs as needed - provides a valuable % vers buff that goes above stat DR’s. Holy priest is a clear winner for the healer role if you decide to play one - brings % stam buff that scales very well based off the insane amounts of health we have (my prot warr is close to 11m hp before buffs). Healers can run gem setups that convert healing into direct damage, holy nova being uncapped on all mobs and players is so brokenly overpowered at lower levels its insane.

VDH is a great tank providing bonus magic damage that gets applied to gems, gems will be doing 90%+ of your damage so its very valuable. It also gains move speed from mastery so unless the other class has a way to move fast and keep up (druid doesnt even come close) you will spend a large amount of time waiting.

Prot warr is fun, immune to damage and can afk kill a raid boss over time. Legit you block 99.99% of all melee damage and with a perma 50% dr from ip you are unkillable.

Monk tanks also live forever due to stagger and leech meaning you never take enough damage that your leech will not heal you, can swap to mw for healer role and do damage with passive healing which double dips from certain gem combos.

Unsure about the other specs. If it was me wanting to play with another player it would be me as prot warr and healer as druid (resto+boomy) or priest (holy). Gear aquisition isnt something you need to be concerned about other than running raids to finally replac all green/blues with epics.

You want a tank/healer combo to ensure the fastest que times and raid invites - tanks are everywhere but healers are in short supply and any group you create with a tank+healer will instantly fill up with 20+ dps wanting in.


Also on this note - as a tank+healer combo you might actually be powered enough to level inside normal raids just the 2 of you. At 70 and max gear levels (100k threads on cloak) you can 100% tank+dps combo and 2 man normal and most of heroic raids. Dont avoid group content, it gives an insane amount of player power from the daily quest and first time bonus rwards. You can level in LFR and bosses drop increased xp gains.

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Demon Hunter has the greatest potential in the lategame and it’s not really a competition. They run faster and do more damage than anybody else.

Afterwards, the differences between second best isn’t nearly as high. For best results, pick something that scales damage with mastery.

For roles, go tank/DPS or DPS/DPS. Healers are abandoned altogether once past max level, and before that are really only needed for leveling dungeons and raids. Even at high levels, most groups opt for one tank (1/0/9) and having a tank will make dungeon queues faster.

Based solely on the fact crit% increases their damage and mastery% increases move speed. Most DH have killed something well before anyone else can even get in range of the mobs.


Play double Havoc Demon Hunter. Further below I’ll list the speedleveling strat.

After finishing the intro quests, go to the bazaar ASAP and get the 3 daily quest (complete a scenario, kill 3 dg bosses, 3 raid bosses IIRC) queue one of you as a tank in H Dungeon Randoms and go in DPS spec either way, since tanking/healing pretty much does not matter while leveling.

At cap, focus on upgrading gear to get at least 2M HP, then split the gains between mounts/cosmetics and upgrades.

Focus on getting the extra jewelry slots from achievements ASAP.
Run all normal raids once for the achievement.

You should create your own group and run all heroic raids everyday for 120k bronze.

After you’re both done for the day, you can do the current speedleveling method (2-3h from lvl 10 to 70) to eek out an extra 50k+ bronze:

  • Create character (holy priest, preferably), get upgraded cloak from main and skip intro quests.
  • Throughout the rest of the steps DO NOT LOOT BONUS Experience. It will get mailed to you. Disable auto-loot.
  • Unlock group finder from the 2nd quest, queue ASAP.
  • Get 50 bronze to get the extra jewelry slots from the gem vendor at the bazaar.
  • Spam Heroic dungeons to level 25.
  • Queue/create group for N MSV asap, clear it for extra EXP+%.
  • Spam H DGs to level 35.
  • Queue/create group for N HoF asap, clear it for extra EXP+%.
  • Spam H DGs to level 40.
  • Queue/create group for N ToES asap, clear it for extra EXP+%.
  • If not already at level 43-45, Spam H DGs to get there.
  • Now go to the mailbox and get all your EXP bonuses you did not loot.
  • Grats, you got to 70.
  • You should get a quest chain at the bazaar to instantly gain 3k+7k+30k (=40k) bronze + all you got during the speedleveling process.

Stack Mastery/Crit and supplement with the other stats as you feel the need.


I would just have one tank for instaqueue. If you’re just going to quest then it doesn’t really matter. Maybe dps could kill stuff quicker.

Play tank / healer, hit 25, park them near the daily quests. Do this about 2-3 times and play together for like 2-3 hours doing the Scenario / Dungeon / LFR routine — the amount of bronze you get form this is absurd. The only thing you won’t get in record speed is the heirlooms and shoulderpads from garrosh.

If you want those, take at least one tank / healer you have above and get them to 70 with a ton of bronze to rank up their gear instead. Find heroic carries or mythic carries. Either way having a few alts to do dailies with nets you a crap ton of bronze for very little effort and a ton of gain. You’ll max out mogs, mounts and toys within 1-2 weeks easily playing like 2-3 hours a day at best lol.

Ultimately though take it easy and have fun at the end of the day. Play throwaways or new alts, quest casually and do dailies on the side. No matter which way you play this game mode casually you’ll get everything. Even the heirlooms and garrosh shoulders will just take some super casual heroics to get.

I’ve never met anyone in the history of mmorpgs that truly liked every class. The statement is borderline a meme. “I’ll play anything… do you guys need a ret paladin?” Nope. (Leaves discord)

But yeah really it doesn’t matter. Everything is OP after awhile.

If you aim to do a lot of dungeons and/or raids, I would do a tank/healer combo. You and your wife will have almost instant queues most of the time.

I recommend Monk. It is content appropriate and provides you both with the ability to just roll through the content or setup specifically for downing a rare or elite. With the thread buff, you won’t need to think about your capabilities for very long. You’re going to be twice as powerful and more as my main during the leveling phase which I did through the story.

if you’re just going for tmog, just play death knights and enjoy the power fantasy of being unkillable death machines.

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Demon hunter + whatever class.