& when you put a skull on a target 1 out of 3 DPS in the PUG are confused and keep trying to solo their own monster.
In low 30s i get maybe like 10% more damage reduction from sword and board but do straight up half as much damage.
cast a heal, right before it finishes you ask yourself “do i need to cast this heal?” if yes cast heal. if no hit jump.
Proactive Healing vs Reactive Healing is the key.
Because you don’t need a shield to tank leveling dungeons. Healers be acting like we’re tanking Rag when I’m pulling 4 trash mobs and tank and spank bosses that I’m way overgeared and overleveled to take on.
But sure, let me switch to my sword and board, even tho it does half the damage my two-handed does I haven’t leveled my one-handed skill in the past 7 levels.
Renew is not something you want to be casting a lot. It’s not very mana efficient and it’s best use is either a) the tank is taking a ton of damage and you need more HPS while casting, or b) you’re on the run and really need to throw a heal on someone.
For the most part you don’t want to use it much. Your team was partially right - you do want to be using primarily Lesser Heal in DM. You shouldn’t need to spam it, but it should be your go to when the tank or a DPS is low enough to need a heal.
I can probably count on two hands the amount of times I’ve actually cast Renew thus far and I’m level 39.
It’s efficiency isn’t bad. I use it on DPS that take a stray hit. It uses less mana than my normal heals and will end up topping them off, granted they’re not continually taking hits.
The amount of disinformation is over the top in this thread.
For soloing 2h is fine but I still prefer 1h/shield as I have literally zero down time and as I get more gear and skills I become a walking mini raid boss. 2h will never be as efficient as 1h/shield in pushing dungeon content as the MT.
During the first 30 or so levels if you want to build threat, use a dagger. Yes a dagger. If you can get a dagger that is 1.6 speed or less then you will have plenty of rage to work with and threat won’t be an issue.
Mah 2h hits twice as hard though! Yep 3.5 second swing…and you miss! Gratz on all that rage and threat generation./s In the mean time I can hit over 2 times with the dagger. So even if I miss once I am STILL generating threat and rage. This has been mathed out for over 13 years regarding threat generation.
Tanking/=dps. Learn that distinction. When you are the tank of the party your job is to maintain threat.
Now for all you others in the party…STOP STANDING NEXT TO ME while I am tanking this group of mobs. If you are in melee range you are giving up the threat reduction range provides and are higher up threat than you should be…meaning it will turn around and hit you without batting an eye. This is where people fail to understand that casters need to move AWAY from the group before casting instead of standing on the tank. Only run towards the tank if you have a mob on you so the tank can grab aggro, then back away.
I rolled warrior to tank, priest to heal, rogue to melee dps, mage to range dps, a lock to play with the succubus, and a hunter…well some days you just want to be left alone.
Efficiency is HPM (Heal per mana). If you’re a level 17-20 Priest in DM, your Renew is 1.5 or 1.7 HPM depending on rank, Heal/Lesser heal are both anywhere from 1.9-2.2 HPM. It’s simple math.
There’s also the question of overhealing. Renew on people ticking for 15 seconds is often going to overheal unless you wait until they’re low, but again if they’re low your Lesser Heal/Heal is a better choice anyway. But if you’re ever overhealing, you’re also wasting mana on that.
I get that. My Priest is 23 and my Renew costs less mana than my Heal or Flash Heal. It heals enough to top off most DPS that take a stray hit here or there, is my point.
Also shields do literally nothing against casters. A fireball in library is going to do the same amount of damage if you are completely naked compared to sword and board.
Yes, sword and board is generally “optimal” if you are prot, but going protection before like level 50 is griefing. The biggest block gets on shields before level 30 is like…24 and maybe like 7% dr worth of armor.
With a shield and in melee I can slap the spell right out of the casters blaspheming mouth!
Until it misses.
Because this is classic where certain weapons aren’t required to play a spec. You’d have HATED frost dk and unholy tanks before cata…
Good thing I have two such skills to attempt to shut him up!
But yes…casters just plain suck when afar, for both 2h and 1h/shield.
EDIT: Forgot about Concussion Blow!
Healing is a dynamic consideration:
- Is the tank taking damage quickly? Probably a bad idea to let them go too far below 50%?
- How many mobs are still alive?
- How economical are you trying to be? Will your mage be oom after the pull anyway? (might as well time your mana with them)
- Does the tank have a hard time generating threat? Maybe a bad idea to bomb them with giant heals instead of smaller down ranked ones.
It just depends.
Starting to drink no, but it’s not like the mana just magically appears in 1 one second and tanks will run off and pull and before the healer can get there die. So tanks can be just as at fault. While you can move a good pace Classic dungeons aren’t the full sprint to the end of retail.
A good tank knows how to pull and when. Casters sitting down to drink and I see a solo I will pull and by the time the party is full and standing I have enough threat to run to the next pull while the mob dies chasing me. Chain pulling is an artform. You will know a good tank by the way he pulls and strings along mobs while also keeping an eye on mana pools.
Dude warriors have this thing called taunt. In retail u rarely use it. In Classic expect it to be part of ur rotation; especially in early game dungeons.
Its also a bigger mana drain and leads to overhealing and massive threat gen. For MOST of leveling your highest ranked heal is like 60% of the tanks health. That is completely unnecessary in mana efficiency and will cause mobs to get really mad at you ESPECIALLY if it crits.