2 Handed weapon showing in dracthyr form

I want an invisible weapon transmog for those of us who don’t want to see our weapon.

Also, I want separate transmogs for armor in Dracthyr form and their human form.
I don’t like that the tabard I wear on my human form is seen on my dracthyr, which covers her dracthyr armor. Just please give us the option to split the dracthyr visage transmogs and also let us hide our weapons for good.


Is there a new way to fix this now? I transmog’d shoulders to individually hide each, however anytime I log in or leave instance I have to go into visage form and back out to get it to hide.


This is the only way I have found. Constantly switching to Visage and back to make it go away. This is the most I have ever seen my Visage form. :stuck_out_tongue:

I really wish they could just add a toggle or an invisible weapon we could mog it to. Show your weapon if you want. Hide it if you want.


Please please PLEASE add a toggle to turn it off or on.

I prefer my weapon visible, and it would be really nice to not have to hide both my shoulders and belt to make it permanent.

Considering they give us so few transmog options in our Dracthyr form, it would be really nice to have this available.

We also need the option for 1H/OH even without a 2H equipped for those who hate the clipping.

Why is transmog still so inconsistent and broken on top of all the other drawbacks of Dracthyr at the moment? Blows my mind.


Been having the same happen, would like a permanent fix for it.

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Just logged onto my Dracthyr today and yeah I’ve noticed it too pretty sure it’s a bug that like all the other issues with Dracthyr Evoker will go unfixed


Fun fact. The bug that makes empowered spell effects not show up if you choose the wrong customisation options is still there too. :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeh, could we just straight up get a hide/show weapon toggle like FF14 please? That would make everyone happy. Those of us who hate it could turn it off, and those that like it could keep it on. Nice and easy. :slight_smile:


Just put a checkbox in the transmog section… Hide weapon… boom… fixed… everyone has the best of both worlds… I WANT to show my staff my weapon… i hate its invisible… i hate visage form… i want to walk around with a giant pole on my back… i want to look intimidating…

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Well, I HAD been doing switch forms each time I ported somewhere and was not happy. But today I noticed I didn’t have to do it anymore. And yes, I have the shoulders mogged separately.


The entire reason to level an evoker for me was some cool 2H sword sheathed on back of a bipedal mini magic dragon. Today there was a small update installation and then the weapon became invisible when sheathed. True Devastation! I guess that was a ‘bug’ fix? They should really add a simple toggle button for sheathed weapon visibility.

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I always knew this would eventually get fixed but it still hurts me plenty

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Or just Stop paying them money till they add it back in… but yes i agree Please please return it and add a button in the transmog area… the fact it shown up makes Blizzard a complete liar…

imagine paying money for a transmog… and they take it away from you :confused: PREORDER HELM

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Very sad to log in to my Dracthyr Evoker today and am no longer able to see my staff on my back :frowning:

For a model with limited transmog options, it added another facet of customization to the few that are able to be shown on the Dracthyr. Now, that option has been taken away. I don’t feel that fewer transmog options is a good thing. At least give those of us who want it to be shown the option.

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my hip sheath swords don’t show either

Turns out Im just a bozo and had my devouring cold transmogged to its back sheath appearance

I am in the camp that is thrilled I no longer have to keep switching to Visage and back to hide my weapon, but I still think it should be a toggle.

I absolutely loathe the appearance of a weapon strapped to my back in Dracthyr form, and did everything I could to hide it. However, there are people that did like the appearance. Why not just let players choose?

Edit: Because this is Blizzard we are talking about, I really want to highlight the word “choice.” Please do not go from a nothing scenario to them showing no matter what. That is a bad solution. :frowning:


Return our staffs… And Give us the very least the Preorder helm back :confused:

I really enjoyed having the 2h weapon show up on the evoker and sad that its gone now. The clipping issue of the staff just doesn’t bother me, as the evoker player has so few options to customize the character already (in the dragon form). However, like others have stated here, an ability to toggle the weapon showing or not should really be added.