2 Handed weapon showing in dracthyr form

look at this you can barely tell its clipping anything!

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I am glad you like it, but I respectfully disagree. It is much too big for my liking. I prefer the small, simple daggers I can keep at my hip if I have to have a weapon showing.


party pooper

what. what did it say!!!

It looks freaking ridiculous and if it isn’t a bug they should have put in the option to hide weapons. We should not be forced to look at absolutely terrible clipping, forced to find a work around in transmog or have to use main/off hand to fix it. The change, if intended, is really stupid.


So I figured it out…

If you transmog both shoulders separate and hide both separate then you will not get your 2 hander to show in Dracthyr form. It will still show in Visage.

This way you don’t even have to have 1 visible, like I said just hide both separately.


Most fist weapons hide when sheathed.

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Oh, I know… though those would still be less of a problem. If it was a weapon on my hip I wouldn’t have been so irked. I actually like having the weapon on my hip. The problem was a big giant weapon on my back. :frowning:

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Chest Spikes is what they are called. They’re considered Shoulder pieces (I can’t use shoulder bits with it selected)

Wait, so turning shoulder spikes on actually does hide it? Because the shoulder trick I was talking about wasn’t that. It was using invisible mogged shoulders.

No shoulder spikes doesn’t do it, just invisible mogged shoulders.


If it doesn’t work, then how come I don’t see my staff in Dracthyr form (only at log in and if I unsheathe it)?

EDIT: I just realized because it’s automatic, I do hide my shoulders in the Visage form. I just know if I go put on shoulders in the barber or make them visible (which sometimes doesn’t happen), they take away my chest spikes.

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Looks entirely random whether it shows up or not now, even through tmogging to shoulders without models (which hide spikes).

Tmogging the weapon to something else sometimes hides it, but it shows up again on the next zone change…

Honestly this entire problem could be avoided by just giving us back the invisible staff tmog from WoD. Or the invisible Polearm tmog from Legion.

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May or may not be, I don’t know about that. But what I do know for a fact is that if you hide both shoulders individually your staff/sword/polearm will not show, every time all the time. I do that and I can still see my chest spikes as well.

It could be a bug or it could be intended, Blizzard refuses to tell us anything at all about this race/class.

Regardless the problem is easily fixed now.


Individually hidden shoulders work consistently whereas individually mogged shoulders to invisible models don’t.

Thank you. This makes no sense, but it works.


I wonder if that’s just a chest spike thing

No prob! :beers:

You my friend, have saved me so much irritation. That works 100%.

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1 thing with the herod mog trick; you need to have the staff not mogged otherwise it will still show (had mine mogged to Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest)

Here’s how you fix it:
Pay for a transmog to a new weapon and then go back to your old weapon. This has fixed the issue for me