2-handed Frost..what if

Random thought.

As it stands I have a RP spender and a KM eating 2 handed weapon skill as frost.
What if instead of trying to build skills that work differently depending on your spec - what if you just made 2 skills that only work with 2 handers for Frost? Thus you leave DW untouched and do not actually need to make a entirely new spec.

Say like “Glacial Strike” and “Hoarfrost” which would be 2-handed only?
(BTw the skills I am using Are Frost Scythe & Death Strike - which should function with 2 handers - frost scythe however does not despite that it should -)

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I just wish they’d remove the weapon restrictions on certain abilities, and allow us to put 2 runes on our 2H weapon. If they did that, we could provide them some actual feedback.


Agreed, 2 rune forges on a 2hder would be amazing. Also, would be nice to have some different rune forges. Having the same three get’s a little stale after a while.

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Yes. Please yes.
I think that is a major contributing issue. Is the fact that we can’t give feedback at all on it now. Or at least not feedback in regards to testing.

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WTB Spellbreaker for PvP