2 Groups Fell Apart Then Kicked

I ran (2) +10’s last night and they both fell apart before reaching the end because the healers couldn’t keep up with the group and people raged. That was a good 1 hour of wasted time not accomplishing anything. Then this morning I get in an island expedition group, kill 4 rares, collect multiple nodes, then get kicked because I got separated from my group. At least that’s what I assumed because when I caught up right as I was running up, kicked. The messed up part, I only had 30 mins before I go to work a long shift to complete my island expeditions for the week, but now that I got the 30 min debuff for getting kicked I’m screwed. So I want to get something straight, you will punish me for getting kicked from a group that I shouldn’t have been kicked from…but you won’t punish anyone for bailing from a mythic+ group and literally screwing over the whole group? At least in the island expeditions, they can backfill! Something is messed up with your logic Blizzard. Fix it!


Working as intended.


No, it’s not.

You got kicked. Get over it. You’re not god’s gift to this game nor are you immune to the actions of jerks.

The 30 minute debuff is there to curb abuse.



So, are you mad about your failed Mythic + pugs or getting kicked? It seems that you think they’re related, but they’re not. It’s unfortunate that you had a string of bad luck, but the failed pugs happen. Both M+'s having issues with heals sounds odd, but sure. Whatever you say.

The whole “kicked from IE” thing sucks, but I don’t see how everyone is getting kicked. Err on the side of caution, and stick with your group. I’ve never been kicked from an IE. Not sure how so many others seemed to get kicked so frequently…


I’ve never actually seen anyone be kicked from an IE and I have mained about four different characters this xpac. Somehow I suspect you didn’t just “wander off”.

M+s are for big bois so they play by grown up rules. Forcing the LFG rules onto them would be the actual worst.


Yes, people should definitely be punished for not sitting in a failing +10 instead of sitting there for 80 odd deaths.

That’s the same as you getting kicked from a 15 minute IE for being a muppet.


This is actually where I think a feature from Final Fantasy XIV would be really helpful; it’s called “vote abandon”. You basically have to have a majority vote and agree that the content isn’t worth trying to complete due to whatever circumstances your group might have, and you’re removed from the instance as a party. It doesn’t sound much different from “just leaving” in principle except that if the vote fails and someone chooses to rage-quit anyway, they’re slapped with a penalty. IMO it actually makes people think a lot more about whether or not something is actually worth sticking out even if things get a little bumpy.

I’m indifferent either way but I do think M+ leavers at the individual level do have too much power to completely ruin an entire group.


Mythic plus were intended to be content you did with your friends and guildmates, not random people who have not the same goals as you. Blizzard isn’t stopping you from pugging but you do so with consequences.

And you wait to do your island expeditions for the week on Monday ?


I just do not agree with this. Leaving a m+ is a very different thing to leaving a regular dungeon. Worst case with a dungeon you have to be bored and just run through your rotation for 15 minutes. Worst case with a m+ you have to grind face on a pack or boss that your party can’t beat for literal hours.

People should not be strongarmed into suffering for long periods of time.

I need a mythic+ friend 850 raider score or higher tho lmao

When you say, “The Healer couldn’t keep up with the group.”

I just imagine all the DPS standing in avoidable damage.

I’m not saying there are no bad healers… I’m just sayng thats a suspicious comment.


also… two groups where the healer couldn’t keep up…



And with a majority vote, they won’t be. You also do still have the option of leaving, and taking a penalty, if you decide the penalty is worth the save in repair bills, time, and frustration.

It’s grievous week. I dunno if you heal at all but grievous week is unadulterated evil to heal, especially at higher keys. Some specs borderline can’t do it.


There is a lot of grey area between 80 deaths and 2 to 4 wipes and missing by a couple minutes. Some people freak out on one bad pull.

Had an 8 fail last night because instead of saying “interrupt slicing wind” and establishing a interrupt order the tank just kept saying “bad DPS” and “kick more.” Then they got into an argument over calling every interrupt a kick.

Always amazes me that so many people think “you suck” will produce better results than, “You need to work on X and do Y here, thanks”

The idea from above for a “Vote to Abandon” with no penalty seems like a good idea.


Discipline Priest here. Taking the week off.


yeah. really poor communication skills in most groups.

Yes there definitely is, because there are a LOT more variables in m+ than just about any other form of content outside of raiding. Adding restrictions in how people find, build and yes, even leave, groups doing them is a lot more complicated than content that realistically everyone can just push through like heroics and normals.

nah…no one abuses the kick feature. Just ask around here. System is working as designed. Dont like my mogs? Kick me. Dont like my breath? kick me. Feeling like kicking someone for absolutely no reason whatsoever? kick me.
Thats how its supposed to work according to some :roll_eyes:

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Oof, disc. You have my sympathy this week. I did my +11 KR with a disc priest from my raid team and I ended up having to spend the entire run spamming bubbles and shadow mending. I swear someone at Blizzard had just broken up with someone who played a healer when they came up with grievous.

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