2 Groups Fell Apart Then Kicked

nor are you immune to the actions of jerks.

well. That part we can all agree on.

The 30 minute debuff is there to curb abuse.

abuse of the vote kick ?

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You know, I play multiple characters and I can’t remember the last time I got kicked from a dungeon. If you find yourself getting kicked from groups often enough to make this sort of post, maybe you’re the problem.


A couple things.

First, why do you make it sound like you were a passive observer in your mythic plus runs? The healer could not keep up, other people raged, and then the group fell apart. Somehow you managed to be in the group without actually being in the group.

Second, you were not kicked from a group you should not have been kicked from. The two other participants decided you should be kicked. Of course it would have been better if they had explained to you why they felt you should be kicked before kicking you, but you must have done something to aggravate both of them.

Finally, how are these connected? You participated in organized content with four strangers, and it did not work out. You then queued to be matched with two others, and they decided you were not contributing. Each worked as intended.

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bull and crap, son.
Ive been kicked a couple times in 19 months of running dungeons and LFR nearly daily. Tell your stories to someone else.

What I know FACTUALLY…and lord it get tiresome repeating this CRAP in here for y’all on a weekly basis…is that i SEE WITH MY OWN STINKING EYES in about 10-15% of the runs im in where someone IS TRYING to kick someone for absolutely ZERO valid reason.

I DONT CARE what YOU do or what has happened to YOU, son.
Get it? DONT CARE.
I KNOW what I SEE when I run a lot of runs.
Easy enough?


Hey brother! Calm down brother! Dont let these thots tilt ya brother!

If this is how you behave I can see why you’re getting kicked so often, papa.


Absolute crap argument.
Ive SEEN people kicked because the tank was ticked that his DPS was a JOKE and he was acting like a spoiled rotten baby about it.
Sorry but no…not every kick is justified by someone being ‘aggravated’. The clown tank Im talking about was quite aggravated and NOONE in that group other than him was deserving of being kicked…yet HE tried to kick others.

God this defense of abuse of this system gets really old in here.


Again, son…kicked a couple times total in 19 months. Learn to read. Unlike you my posts arent about ME. Its about getting tired of seeing other players abused because blizzard handed the car keys to kids and walked away.


So no one moved out of the fire, the tank was over pulling, and the healer needed to drink and got crap?? Fun group.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:


He was only kicked 2 times in 19 months. That really isn’t all that bad depending on how many dungeons he does.

In any case, I can’t see that is something to complain as happening all the time.

I think you need some background.

That guy was massively attacked yesterday for a similar reason as OP mentioned.

He says that, but the fact he’s this mad sort of suggests he might be telling fibs.


I kick people all the time sometimes I make groups just to kick people


Kind like the Horde/Alliance always lose BG’s complaints.

I’m usually batting over 500 on them, if your always in losing BG’s there might be a correlation.

I’ve seen people try and kick somebody from an IE before. 10 out of 10 times it’s when they go away from the group and somebody else thinks they’re afk’ing it. I just look at my map and see if they’re moving around before I vote and if they are I don’t kick. Honestly, to the OP, it’s much more efficient to stay with the group, get IE’s done much faster.

you need a new hobby

When LFG was first created, Tanks and Healers would sell instant queues for DPS players. They’d party up, take gold. Queue, insta-place, hop in, and once the DPS loaded in, they’d leave the group, and go find someone else to pay them for an instant queue.

Because the group was formed and in the instance, they were placed to the front of the queue for a replacement tank/healer who would actually complete the run.

Blizzard stopped this with two things:

  1. Deserter Debuff for leaving the group.
  2. If you leave the dungeon, anyone who was in your party prior to the dungeon popping up leaves with you.

Tanks and Healers then discovered that if you were vote-kicked, you got neither the deserter debuff, nor was your party removed.

So they would hold groups hostage, refusing to do anything to get kicked. They did this for groups they sold instant queues to, and for dungeons that popped up that they hated.

So, Blizzard put the Deserter debuff onto the votekick system.

So, you can have the Deserter Debuff on votekick, or you can go through your DPS queues, then have the dungeon proc, hop in, and have the tank/healer leave or hold you hostage for a kick, and then wait until another one shows up who doesn’t instantly leave thinking it’s a fail group.

Blizzard chose Deserter debuff, and they’ve stuck with it for… 9 years now.

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Hey, at least he’s not attacking victims with viable, correct feedback at every thread in the forum!

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Not really, I’ve seen groups of two failing to get any azerite at all.

You have seen people kicked because a majority of the group agreed to kick. The tank was the problem, but someone else got kicked? That means the rest of the group disagreed about who the problem was. The tank did not unilaterally kicked anyone.