Myself (a Demo lock or Arms/Fury Warrior) and my friend (a Shadow Priest) are currently looking for heroic raiding level guild. The two of us have raided for years across several MMOs, including Nim raiding (which is Mythic in WoW terms) in SWTOR. and Day 1 raiding in Destiny 2. Right now we can raid nearly any night, except for Friday nights, at 7pm PST.
If your guild thinks we make a good fit for you please feel free to add me here to get in touch.
BNet: NoLimitsNick#1453
Discord: NoLimitsNick#0397
1 Like
Hi! DANNY DEVITO FANCLUB [8/8 H][2/8 M] is looking to fill its ranks for casual mythic progression and weekly AOTC clears. We raid every SATURDAY at 7PM [central/server], rain or shine. We are looking for more DPS, 1 tank, and someone who can both heal/dps.
As the name indicates, we are a group of friends who enjoy a good meme. We take a casual approach to raiding, but in the end down the bosses. We typically stay up rather late on Saturday hanging out in disc after raid, and dabble in Wrath during non-raid times.
We are currently rebuilding our roster, and are looking for more like minded folks to join us. Looking for those who are interested in the long haul, and want to find a new core group. We know life can get in the way sometimes, but we are looking for someone who can commit to raiding each weekend with us. We are willing to help gear up newer players, and work on possibility of transfers.
Reach out anytime!
SAT 7pm - 10pm [central/server]
[Andre - GM/RL] BNET: Andreinator#1396 & DISCORD: Andreinator#8929
[Tinsley - Officer] BNET: Tinsley#11270 & DISCORD: Tinsley#9973
Guild: Lusts For Trash - Horde US-Bleeding Hollow
8/8N 7/8H
Raid Times: Tues/Weds 10pm-12am CST
Goal: AOTC
We are a chill AOTC guild. We do lots of M+ when we don’t raid, so come have fun and kill some bosses! Better be prepared to lust on trash!
Discord: Kungfubanana#7678 (Me)
Btag: Kungfubanana#1420
Discord: Fedca#5743 (GL)
Btag: fedca#1826
We are in need of a Lock and could use a SP as well. We are a late night guild on Proudmoore, that starts at 9pm PST on wed and thur. I will leave our guild blurb below if you are interested.
Are you tired of running up the halls at 3am alone?
Do you need a new box to sit in?
Feral Tendencies could be purrfect for you
We are a late night AoTC raiding guild on Proudmoore. We also have many social members and just love to run keys most non raid nights.
We storm the castles 9-11pm PST on Wed /Thur.
What we do
Sshhh, it’s a secret.
- Raid with our friends.
- Keys - lots of keys, these guys might be obsessed.
- Shenanigans! Sarcasm and jokes are our love language.
- Help with logs, builds, gearing, learning raids and dungeons.
- Share pics of our furry overlords.
- Lots of cat videos.
What we want
We are welcoming to all.
- New players wanting to learn.
- Returning players catching up on what they missed in the last expansions.
- Tag along family members who just want to hang and be social.
- Like minded people who enjoy the game and want to have fun doing it.
We are adults with lives, jobs, and/or kids so we respect your time and that things might come up from time to time.
What we need
Catnip, lots of catnip.
Looking for a couple more dps to fill out the ranks. Priority need is DK, Lock and Boomchicken, but looking at everyone.
How to reach us
Get a laser pointer and shoot.
Reply here or find me on:
Discord: Vellsong#2067
Battlenet: Prettykitty#1597
(yes that is what I get for letting the husband set up my account:)
Our guild, Found a Green Quest-Zul’jin, is actively recruiting a Warlock, Arms/Fury Warriorz UH/Frost DK, BM Hunter, Devastation Evoker or Rogue for our progression team. Currently, we are 8/8N 7/8H with a very strong core team that is looking to fine tune our roster to kill Razageth. Our ideal candidates are people who are looking for a potential long term team as we continue to hit AOTC every season. We are willing to teach and gear the right candidates who are able to pull respectable numbers and do boss mechanics reliably. Our current raid times are Wednesday and Thursday from 7:30pm est to 10pm est. If you are interested, please feel free to reach out to Jarsha-Zul’jin or Vandrex-Zuljin to speak to raid leaders.
Discord- Jarsha#1350
Discord- Vandro#5790
Hi there! I’m from Veneration, an Alliance guild on Proudmoore that is currently 8/8H & 2/8M. We raid on Thursdays from 7:30-10:30pm PST & Sundays from 6:30-9:30pm PST. Please let me know if you’d like more information! 
Discord: tessenjutsu#3581
Hey there! Our guild is [H] One More Pull on Zul’jin, and we’re actively looking for DPS members!
We raid Tues/Thurs 8-10:30PM EST and are usually really active with M+/PvP/achievements outside of raid if you’re into those. We always get AOTC each tier, and looking to go into mythic (not too seriously, and facing roster boss currently from our group of 15). We’re semi-casual - we know what we’re doing and expect others to do the same to make sure no one is hard carry and everyone can enjoy the content. Outside of that, always looking to push keys and do the hidden puzzles and content found around Azeroth. Feel free to reach out on disc (Mollotov #2682) if it seems like something you’re interested in!
Hi Vichtoff,
Dragon tail is a raid and mythic+ guild looking to fill its roster with likeminded people. We are currently 8/8N 6/8H with AOTC as the main goal.
We are currently looking for any dps (Mage, Shaman, Evokers are priority) and one non Death Knight Tank
We hangout in discord a lot. If you are looking for a community to grow with then we might be the guild for you!
All players, new and old, are welcome!
If you are interested in joining us feel free to message me on discord (Jeriky#9574)
Play what you want and join the festivities. Omni#9776 on disc
Looking for new players to fill out our raiding team. Currently we are 8/8H looking for more for next raid tier
We are in need of the following.
R-DPS- Warlock/Shammy/Boomkin/Mage/Priest/Hunter
M-DPS- Warrior/Rogue/Shammy/Monk/Demon hunter/Death knight
Heals- Full atm but maybe in the future “If you can play an OS hit me up”
Tanks- Full atm but maybe in the future “If you can play an OS hit me up”
Any and all classes/specs are welcome!
We will be raiding tues/thur 7:45-10:30pm cst time with a 5-10min break around halfway through raid night
"Feel free to add any of the officers or join our wow community to chat or for more info Chetaria#11739
Hey there Vichtoff!
After reading your post I just wanted to drop by and tell you a bit about our little family to see if you might be interested in learning more about us. We are a progressively-minded AOTC Alliance guild on Stormrage, that’s currently looking for more players to add to our roster. We have 2 progression teams to choose from! (Raid times for our teams are in the link I’m including)
I’m including the link to our guild information for you to check out if you find any interest to do so, as we also have other things going on throughout the week and plan to be adding to that soon! We have something for everyone! If you are interested in learning more about us or have any questions please be sure to contact me! The best way to reach me is on Discord at Byndi#5161. I hope to hear back from you soon and that you have a great nightót-late-night-heroic-aotc-progression-team-78h-recruiting-tanks-heals/1290929
Hey! My guild < We Break Keys>[H] on Area 52 is recruiting. We are looking for DPS to fill our Raid team. We are currently 7/8 H. Our Raid Nights are Tuesday & Thursday 11pm-1:30am EST. If you are interested feel free to drop into our Discord [BecMEpkJuX] and see if we are a good fit.
I think the two of you might be great to join our team!
Semi Retired is a raiding and m+ focused guild on Area 52 looking to build up our roster to push into mythic raiding for upcoming Patch 10.1! Our goal is to create an active, inclusive m+ community to strengthen our forces and teamwork so when Aberrus is open we go in ready to push hard.
We’re looking for more people like the people we have now: People who want to engage and do things together. People who are looking to be apart of the guild, not just use the guild to achieve their individual goals only. People should have goals and we want the guild to help people get them, but we also want people who will turn around and help others to achieve theirs.
The currect raid schedule is Tuesday/Wednesday 9-12 EST. M+ is run throughout the week and we do anywhere from baby keys for valor and alts to higher keys pushing to KSH.
If this sounds like a good fit for you, reach out to talk to one of our officers. Add us on:
Xrusader (Guild Master) - BNet: silver9172#11607 - Discord: Xarali#6374
Akeychi (Officer) - Bnet: Rusams#1495 - Discord: Akeychi#1141
We are looking for Dps to fill off the remaining spots of our new raid group for 10.1. If you like to take a peek at our post and contact information is there: [A] [Stormrage] Sons of Liberty 8/8N, 7/8H is Recruiting
Hey there! we have a AotC prog run @ Midnight Eastern Sunday/Monday! They’re currently working on Raz, tight-knit and have been together for a long time!
Hit up Tyrfang#1692 and tell him Slerne sent you about the Night run!
Hi there, if you haven’t found a home yet please take a second to look at our post and see if it’s a good fit. Good luck on your search!
[H-Thrall] AotC guild (8/8H) T/Th 9-11:30pm EST - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (
Currently Recruiting: For Mythic Content
- Ranged DPS: Open for S2
- Melee DPS: Open for S2
- Healers: Resto sham, Hpally
- Tank: : potentially for right person
- We are always looking for players who are comfortable in their class/role to compete for a core spot within our Raid team regardless of recruitment status!
- Thursday: 8:00pm - 11:00pm EST
About Us:
< Why Tempt Fate > Is a semi-hardcore raiding guild on US-Bleeding Hollow. Our goal has always been to find the fine line between successful raiding on a lite schedule and still having fun.
We take our raids seriously and do not waste time, but that doesn’t stop us from joking around with one another during raid. We have a very friendly (note: we are not exactly family-friendly) atmosphere that has kept people around. One thing we are proud of as a guild is that we have a very low turnover rate and many loyal members who have stuck with us from the beginning.
We are currently looking for people with similar goals who can attend raid consistently and meet the expectations of the core raid group.
We are always looking for players who are comfortable in their class/role to compete for a core spot within our Raid team regardless of recruitment status!
- History of CE in Previous tiers / expansions, Clearing content Since 2004
What We Offer:
- A stable roster and constructive raid environment
- Leadership with years of progression-oriented experience
- Guild repairs for mains and alts
- Guild bank support: Repairs, enchants, food, gems, etc.
Add me on Bnet if interested.
Hey There
<Størm> is a semi-casual Alliance raiding guild on Stormrage US-PvE. We are comprised with amazing members and matureish people. We have been around since WotLK and looking for people who are interested in raid progression. We are not hard core, but will sit people if necessary to get things done.
We do not ask our raiders to treat WoW as a full-time job. We understand people have a life. We cover all raid expenses and we raid Thur 9pm-11pm and Sat 9pm-12am(8:45pm invite time) Eastern. We also like to run mythic+s every week.
Raid Info
Days: Thur , Sat
Time: 8:45pm-11pm (Thurs) 8:45pm-12am (SAT) Eastern (Server)
Voice: Discord
Website: Discord
Dragon flight progression: 8/8 normal, 8/8 heroic
We are recruiting mainly Healers and DPS for our core. We will work with people if need, but we are mainly looking for skilled players who know their class and familiar with boss fights.
Current Priority Needs: Monk, DH, DK, Priest
Loot System
With the new in game system, You basically need if you can use it.
Raiding is FREE!
We provide our raiders with all consumables (Phials, Feasts, Potions, Enchants, Gems, etc) free of charge, as well as free guild repairs. Donations are nice, but not required.
Raid Requirements
- 18+ years old.
- Discord. (Please have a mic handy just in case)
- Raiding Experience, raid awareness, and class knowledge is a must.
- Come to the raid prepared. Be gemmed and enchanted PRIOR to invites so we do not waste any time killing things.
- Able to maintain 80% raid attendance.
- Research every boss fight BEFORE stepping foot into raid. Boss strategies will be posted in our discord.
- Please make the effort to know your fellow guildies, the closer we are the better the team will be.
- Addons: DBM and WeakAura2.
- Have fun.
How to Apply:
- Send Snow a message via discord (Snow#6825), In game (Snow#13665), or in game mail to Snowßear. You can also Contact Ayddien via discord (Ayddien#6399), or in game (Ayden#1901)
- Please post raid experience, ilvl, Character name and current server. We will allow those to raid with us prior to doing any faction changing or server hopping to see if we are a fit for you.