The name is scartotem. I’m a resto shaman on A-Side Proudmoore. My guild decided to call it quits for a while, probably 8.2. I am 1/9M through pugging, though my guild and I have progressed to 9/9H and 2/2H prior to the release of the next raid
I’m looking to join up with another guild that’s entering Mythic or is mythic progression oriented. I’ve gotten AOTC every tier since SoO and am looking to break into that CE challenge.
I main a resto shaman, I can play a resto druid and a disc/holy priest as well. I would strongly prefer to stay shaman though as I CBA to grind out HoA on my Druid.
Add me, post below etc, I am not picky. Id just prefer to raid with a guild that is close to my progress, or more progressed than me.
I’m generally available Sunday -> Thursday from 5:00pm Central until 11:00pm Central. Not interested in giving up both weekend nights to raid, but I would give up one.
My BNET is Scar278#1927 or you can find me on Discord at GHD278#7458
All of my logs are public.