2 1/2 hour log in?

in two months you will be transfering to a "mega? server when yours dies but of course it will be a carebear one

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not bad progress is being made 2 hour 15 minute que tohight

How can you say min max and leeching and try to make the same point?

just transfer your entire guild since its free

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This dude be throating blizzard hard af.

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Thats nothing…i have a 4hr wait right now

Is Blizzard going to do anything about this? 1+ hour queues essentially make this game unplayable for a large number of people. Why does it say the “topic has been solved?”

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They are causing it to push people to their 2 other servers they want people to move to.

So yeah. Bliz is going to do something about it when they are done using it to cause people pain.

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they didn’t force players to transfer off their servers

they also didnt stop it there blizz shill. they knew it was over crowded but happily took the money


well thank you blizz for listening 4 1/2 hour que tonite! 9 days left and there will be one less trying to que in

I couldn’t begin to count the amount of times over the years I have saw people rage at the idea of locking servers so they didn’t get overcrowded. They complained that they should be able to go to whichever server they pleased, can’t play with friends, etc.

I’m sitting in an almost one hour queue myself right now on Skyfury. The realm wasn’t full when I first made my character on it days ago. In the last few days it has been filling up more.

I have been playing these games for a long time. Queue’s are a reality on the most populated servers during the beginning of a new expansion or major patch. I suppose Blizzard could do mega servers but many here are also way against that.

Is this queue fun? Not at all. But, no matter what Blizzard does, people are going to rage here.

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regardless 4 1/2 hour ques are stupid


Yeah, they sure aren’t fun.

I’m not sure what they could do to make it better. Maybe more layers or mega servers? Really don’t know. It’s just something I have gotten used to over the years and pretty much expect. To be honest, if my server had a four and a half hour queue every night, I would probably change servers. While I will deal with an hour or so queue, four hours is way too much.


Honestly pretty gross.
11,800+ queue at 8pm EST and you’re like: “Solved Folks!”

*Edit; for what it’s worth; certainly not your fault/problem to deal with. I would never take the fall for people who’s job it is to professionally manage server communities or otherwise oversee the game architecture.

Because you’d all complain about not being able to play with your friends if they restricted transfers.

aww here we have the blizz apologist doesnt really have anything to say but is such a sheep they feel required to defend blizzard

I think Blizz does plenty of things wrong. This isn’t one of them.

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LOL 4 1/2 hour ques isnt one of them? Baaa Baaa Ba

Why do you suppose the left Grobb as a destination server for free transfers long after they removed Benediction, Faerlina and Whitemane? Grobb already exceeded Whitemane population when they removed it, but they still left Grobb on the list.

Blizzard left the flood gate open on all these servers far too long. I’ve been in queue for 2 1/2 hours and still showing 79 minutes left on the queue. That’s 4 hours just to get into the game. How can anyone defend that?

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